Exposed: Kony 2012 Scam Is a Soros/NGO Front

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Alex Jones Aaron Dykes
March 15, 2012

Kony 2012, hyped on the backs of celebrities and do-gooders, is revealed for what it is– a propaganda salvo for a continent wide invasion of Africa. Yes, the mantra War is Peace is once again drumming U.S. soldiers into further conflict.

Research makes clear that KONY is a sophisticated psy-op to muster popular support for what is, in reality, nothing more than a geostrategic positioning vis-a-vis China for oil and mineral resources, as well as an effort to legitimize the U.S. military’s AFRICOM unit in the region through newly-branded “humanitarian” interventions.

It is not only War in the name of “Peace,” but an attempt to empower the International Criminal Court under the influence of NGOs and other related globalist corporate interests.

Nobel Peace Prize “winner” Barack Obama has already deployed 100 special forces troops to the central African region back in October 2011, and a resolution in Congress– on the heels of KONY 2012′s viral views of at lest 80 million– seeks to send more forces there for an all out invasion on the pretext of hunting down a shadowy warlord with less blood on his hands than an average African despot.

Top celebrities vying for greater power including CFR member and UN goodwill ambassador Angelina Jolie, actor George Clooney, media baroness Oprah Winfrey, as well as Africa-obsessed Bill Gates and Bono, have all come out in front of this issue.

Exposed: Kony 2012 Scam Is a Soros/NGO Front Soros ICG Samantha Power Angelina Jolie KONY

But behind KONY’s apparent urgency are the usual suspects, the hidden hands behind uprisings and color revolutions including the Arab Spring and Libyan invasion. A key World Net Daily investigation makes clear that George Soros and his International Crisis Group, headed by former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, and the likes of Samantha Power, a key member of Obama’s National Security Council advancing “humanitarian” causes, have significantly framed and shaped the manufactured crisis surrounding the now-famous head of the Lord’s Resistance Army. Like Libya, the Responsibility to Protect doctrine– created and advanced by Soros, Samantha Power and other power players– gives the impetus for intervention in the conflict. Groups like Invisible Children, who produced KONY 2012, are pawns in their game.

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20 Responses to “Exposed: Kony 2012 Scam Is a Soros/NGO Front”

  1. …it’s Occupy Africa.

  2. Hyperinspiring! Again, thank you , Alex. I just had a dinner party with 20 people here and for after-dinner conversation, I projected this article/clip onto one of my walls. You awed most of the guests. They left all with a look of angsst on their faces. You woke them up!

    tuyitui Reply:
    March 15th, 2012 at 5:24 pm

    Your dinner party friends must be brainwashed sheep. The above video is typically filled with misinterpretations, misrepresentations, ignorance, unproven allegations, wild speculation, and outright fraud on Alex Jones’ part. Oh look, he flashed a webpage for 3 seconds that had a headlline stating “Libian Rebels Accused of “Ethnic Cleansing,” Black Genocide.

    So it MUST be true!!!!!!!1!11!!!1!!

    Peter Wolf Reply:
    March 15th, 2012 at 6:09 pm

    You obviously failed to open and read the links in the article.

    Can you list all of the unproven allegations + speculation and outright fraud ?

    Can you prove that Black genocide isnt happening in Libya ?

    Typical Shit4brains troll

    tuyitui Reply:
    March 15th, 2012 at 6:24 pm

    Quotation by Peter Wolf:

    “Can you prove that Black genocide isnt happening in Libya ?”

    Ha! Some legal scholar you are.

    Prosecutor: “Yeah, your honor, we’re going to mix it up a bit here. Instead of the state proving the defendant committed murder, we’re going to require the defense to prove their client DIDN’T committ murder.”


    tuyitui Reply:
    March 15th, 2012 at 6:17 pm

    Haha! Peter Wolf says: It’s on the internet, it has link, so it MUST be true!!!!!!!!1!!1!! Peter Wolf also says: Someone owns a blog website and whatever they right on it is TRUUUUUUEEEEEE!!!!!!1!!!1

    Of course, Peter Wolf has never left his computer chair to verify any of the claims of Alex Jones, merely relying on Google searches, YouTube videos, web pages, and other people’s words. Poor, naive fool.

    Typical Alex Jones worshipping brainwashed sheep.

    Peter Wolf Reply:
    March 15th, 2012 at 6:38 pm

    @tuitytutufruiti :

    Some defendent you are since you are incapable of defending any of your claims.

    Brilliant !

    Anyway can you list any of the unproven allegations + speculation + outright fraud ?

    It would make your case and your defence a lot stronger if you could present it here for everyone to read.Are you going to use internet searches etc and sit on your computer chair to gather the relative information or have you already prepared your case in advance without google searches etc ?

    Have you spent time in Libya recently and can you prove that there is no black genocide happening in Libya ?

    Why cant you answer the question ?

    . “Instead of the state proving the defendant committed murder, we’re going to require the defense to prove their client DIDN’T committ murder.”

    Thats standard procedure.The defence always have to prove their client didnt commit murder.You cant even get that right.

    tuyitui Reply:
    March 15th, 2012 at 6:51 pm

    Your logic is lacking a lot, Peter Wolf. I never made the claim that there was no genocide going on in Libya. I made the claim that Uncle Alex hasn’t proven HIS claim that their is mass genocide happening. Why does him making that unproven claim shift the responsibility to me. I know you’re one of his brainwashed sheep, so I at least understand your mentality.

    Quotation by Peter Wolf:

    “. “Instead of the state proving the defendant committed murder, we’re going to require the defense to prove their client DIDN’T committ murder.”

    Thats standard procedure.The defence always have to prove their client didnt commit murder.

    OMFG dude. You scare the shit out of me. I hope you’re not from America. Are you typical. Is this how the greater population thinks now?

  3. Haha! Alex Jones is such a actor. What are you losers going to do when he dies of heart disease. Who will be your daddy then?

    LMFAO! Alex telling OTHER PEOPLE to get off off THEIR fat ass and go do something while the only thing he does is a radio show for which he gets paid very well. The hypocrisy is deep.

    Ask yourself: who benefitted the most from 9/11? Alex Jones, of course. Do a comparison of Alex Jones’ popularity and income before and after 9/11. There is a HUGE disparity. And, wow, what a coincidence, he “predicted” 9/11 3 months earlier. Uh huh.

    Peter Wolf Reply:
    March 15th, 2012 at 6:12 pm


    Always the line of attack concerning the income of AJ

    Noone would pay you even one cent to listen to what you have to say about anything.

    tuyitui Reply:
    March 15th, 2012 at 6:21 pm

    Quotation by Peter Wolf:

    “Noone[sic] would pay you even one cent to listen to what you have to say about anything.”

    Knowing I have a string of idiots reading my posts, despite the fact that I’m keeping them from conquering the Evil NWO and saving the world (from their computer chair), is payment enough.

    Peter Wolf Reply:
    March 15th, 2012 at 6:44 pm

    Whatever makes you feel good and your sad pointless life worthwhile.You have changed your name again as well but you are instantly recognisable.glad it is payment enough as its the only kind of payment that you will ever get for your comments.NO $$$$$$ for you.

    tuyitui Reply:
    March 15th, 2012 at 6:47 pm

    Haha! Look at Peter Wolf saying others have a sad, pointless life! What delicious irony that is! Why does he keep entertaining someone with such a sad, pointless life? For someone with such a sad, pointless life, I sure have him hooked.

    tuyitui Reply:
    March 15th, 2012 at 6:53 pm

    Peter, I get paid by a certain agency to come here and occupy the easily distracted idiots, keeping them in their computer chair instead of taking any meaningful action against the globalist scum.

    I get paid very well because I do my job very well (obviously).

    tuyitui Reply:
    March 15th, 2012 at 6:56 pm

    Hey Peter Wolf:

    who takes over for you when your shift ends? Tom? Hope so.

  4. Peter Peter…why? Its time better spent.

    tuyitui Reply:
    March 15th, 2012 at 7:05 pm

    Indeed Dandroid. But did you see what our dear Peter said about the defendant having to prove he didn’t do the crime? Pretty scary shit.

    tuyitui Reply:
    March 15th, 2012 at 7:07 pm

    I got him hooked, Dandruff!!!

  5. A Good Friend of mine was is Rwanda in 1996.He served in the Australian Army,3RAR.He Told me before he Died about the HELL HOLE that was Civil War.One Million Souls,killed in One Month.All I can say is this.People can go very Bad,very very Quickly.I can not tell you of the HORROR he told me.A Real Nightmare cleaning up the Mess.Rest in Peace my Friend Mosie.

  6. You Have a Jail in the States called Angola?

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