Exxon Mobil Cleaning Up Oil Spill in Rural Louisiana

Fox News / AP
April 30,2012

Exxon Mobil Corp. says it is cleaning up about 80,000 gallons of oil that spilled from a pipeline in rural Louisiana.

The company says the pipeline was shut down Saturday night after a loss of pressure. The spilled oil was discovered on Sunday in Pointe Coupee Parish, northwest of Baton Rouge.

No injuries have been reported. The company doesn’t yet know what caused the pipeline to break.

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2 Responses to “Exxon Mobil Cleaning Up Oil Spill in Rural Louisiana”

  1. Don’t forget to put bread crumbs on that bird before you deep fry it!

  2. Why has this happen and why now? How much more of our Country has to be destroyed, before something is done about it? Will this make the price of oil go up? When will these oil companies be held accountable?

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