Facebook is accused of censoring investigative journalism…

 Facebook is at the center of a “censorship” firestorm in Peru after suspending the account of one of the country’s most important newspapers.

The temporary suspension came in response to online complaints that La Republica’s investigation into the alleged criminal past of relatives of the country’s leading presidential candidate had violated Facebook’s user guidelines. 

In that report, published on Sunday, La Republica alleged that two uncles and one aunt of Keiko Fujimori — who has a consistent lead of around 20 points in the polls ahead of April presidential elections — remain wanted on charges of “illicit enrichment” and “conspiracy to commit crime.”

The three have been on the run since 2000 when their brother, hard-right President Alberto Fujimori, was forced to resign in ignominy. He is now serving a 25-year jail term for embezzlement and directing death squads.

Source Article from https://www.freedomsphoenix.com/News/185069-2015-10-18-facebook-is-accused-of-censoring-investigative-journalism.htm?EdNo=001&From=RSS

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