False Flag Alert: US Claims Syria “Moving Nerve Gas Out of Storage”

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Tony Cartalucci
Prison Planet.com
July 13, 2012

Citing no evidence, and on the heels of yet another baseless “activist” report claiming a massacre has taken place in Homs, nameless US officials claimed to the Wall Street Journal that the Syrian government is taking chemical weapons out of storage for possible use “against anti-regime rebels or civilians, possibly in an ethnic cleansing campaign.”

Despite claiming to possess this information, the US officials refused to disclose the location these weapons were being moved to, nor the actual nomenclature of the weapons, stating only “they are most worried about Syria’s stockpiles of sarin gas.”

False Flag Alert: US Claims Syria Moving Nerve Gas Out of Storage  NBC
: The symbols for nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons. The West is the undisputed champion of deploying each of these weapons of mass destruction against their enemies – from nuclear bombs upon Japan, to depleted uranium and white phosphorus upon Iraq, to Agent Orange all across Vietnam – it stands to reason that these weapons would eventually end up in the hands of the their proxies as well.

In mid-June, Russia Today had warned of a possible false-flag attack by NATO-backed militants operating under the cover of the so-called “Free Syrian Army” employing chemical weapons pilfered from devastated, militant-overrun Libya. The aim of the operation would be to create a justifiable impetus for overt Western military intervention, citing the use of chemical weapons against civilian populations as the most extreme attempt yet to manufacture otherwise nonexistent consensus for a repeat of NATO’s operations in Libya.

In, “WARNING: Possible NATO-FSA False Flag Attack in Syria,” it was explained how NATO’s militant proxies possessed not only the means and capabilities of carrying out such an attack, but the motivation and precedents of doing so – with the FSA already admittedly carrying out a deadly, nationwide terrorist bombing campaign killing scores of civilians per attack. The dissemination of Libyan weapons into the hands of militants operating in Syria has also been confirmed by governments and international media on numerous occasions, as has the fact that Libyan militants themselves (and here) have joined NATO’s covert operations to overthrow the government of President Bashar al-Assad in Syria.

The Syrian government has withstood over a year of withering, brutal attacks, economically, politically, diplomatically, throughout the Western controlled corporate media, and militarily by the West. One might then be troubled to fathom why the government would then use chemical weapons sure to provide the impetus needed to leap over the obstructions placed in the West’s way throughout the UN Security Council by Russia and China. The answer is simple, the Syrian government is not pondering the use of chemical weapons, NATO and its terrorist proxies are.

This, along with a recent roll-out of preplanned, over-hyped “defections” seeks to psychologically stampede the Syrian government from power, and if necessary, create a pretext to do so militarily.

Tony Cartalucci’s report first appeared on his blog, Land Destroyer.

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3 Responses to “False Flag Alert: US Claims Syria “Moving Nerve Gas Out of Storage””

  1. Kony will be moving chemical weapons next. Same broken record, different boogie man




  3. Now days they just make stuff and start the bombing. They only reason they would do a false flag like 9/11 is because they like murdering people. Hegalian dialectic at work. reaction, solution. They should throw in some incubator babies and maybe being mean to puppies in their just for good measure. I know, an aparition of Bin Laden from the here after threatening to take our freedoms.

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