Federal judge blocks release of bin Laden death photos

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Bill Mears
April 27, 2012

Washington (CNN) — A federal judge has turned aside calls to publicly release video and photographs of the U.S. military raid and aftermath that left al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden dead.

Judicial Watch, a conservative legal group, had asked the Department of Defense to comply with a Freedom of Information request for the material, especially photos of the September 11 mastermind lying dead on the third floor of his Pakistan hideout.

The group argued it was being “irreparably harmed” by the Obama administration’s “unlawful withholding of requested records.”

But Judge James Boasberg ruled Thursday there were legitimate national security interests to deny disclosure.

Full story here.

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12 Responses to “Federal judge blocks release of bin Laden death photos”

  1. “legitimate national security interests”
    Which nation is he caring about?
    Nation of Sodomites?
    Nation of Satan Worshippers?
    Nation of Shylocks?
    Nation of Israelis?

  2. “But Judge James Boasberg ruled Thursday there were legitimate national security interests to deny disclosure”

    These dirty evil satanic bastards will hide all their crooked deed’s and lies under the blanket of “National Security”.

    And this is how they will get us at the end. Sneaking up, little by little.

  3. ‘”The American people have a right to know, by law, basic information about the killing of Osama bin Laden,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said then. “Incredibly, the Obama administration told us that it has no plans to comply with the Freedom of Information law, so we must now go to court.’

    Many events have been based on Osama Bin Laden. Yet no details will be released regarding his supposed assassination and we are supposed to TRUST this Obama clown? He thinks we are smoking the same sausage he is! And all of the courts are in his pocket. NOT ONE asked to see his birth certificate. But if was you or me that’s the first thing they would ask for. Funny that!

  4. It’s not a conspiracy when the conspiracy is based on actual events. Watch and learn.

  5. Yep,,, National Security,,, for sure. LOL

    That Judge and parasites like him are the National Security Risk.

    “Obama had barred any public release of photos or video, telling CBS News, “It is important to make sure that very graphic photos of somebody who was shot in the head are not floating around as an incitement to additional violence or as a propaganda tool.”

    Awwwww,,, how sweeeet. The USG and Mr. Peace Prize worried about spreading violence… slime balls…

  6. “unlawful withholding of requested records.” Now the “records” are no doubt fake anyway, our president has lied, cheated, stolen, and is responsible respectively for illegal mass death in other multiple countrys, um- and we are expected to still operate mentally along the lines of a pre dictatorial state of government? Ok. Ladies and gentleman this simply can’t go on much longer, the machine is full of hubris and is falling apart as it goes down its stolen road. We will all see the wheels fall off this piece of shit I just know it. So smile like I do. Love your human being neighbor.

  7. Undoubtedly the fact that they are too obviously fake plays a role in why judge Boasberg will not order their release. Of course he might have other reasons as well. avotaynu.com/books/sourcebook.htm

  8. Mein Fuhrer captured bin laden it’s all true folks hahaha 🙂

    that’s because it’s total bs …

  9. He died long ago, some know this, most don’t, they just want the safe fairy tale. USA DOES NO WRONG EVER ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

  10. There are no real authentical photos of BIN LADEN

    all a scam to make believe the sheeple. in this false fake and evil terrorist war.

    ”Those of you still capable of walking away from this matrix because of your own free will and self thinking, do so while you still can. ”

    They (the evil minds) have fooled humanity into serving in military murdering orgs all over this planet. NOw we hear they want to kill maybe 80 % of the humans on this planet? If that is true?, then even you in the military are on that list.

    Have you not been fooled long enough to serve Evil? Have you not any dignity and respect to the dying constitution specially having taken an oath to defend it???

    Instead, you have all made the decision to serve the NWO and those criminals wanting to destroy so many lives because of greed and selfishness and hatred for humanity.

    and IF you haven’t made such a decision, then why are you not doing anything about it? after all you have the weapons no?

    COURAGE and Honestie is what is missing within you and also we the peoples of this planet.
    How can we let them murder us all and do nothing about it? How can this happen?

  11. Well, that proves it right there the Obama Admin is Lying to the American People. Time to Impeach Obama NOW before Obama can do more harm to the People to this once great nation we call the USA.
    Impeach Obama Now or have a Armed Revolution 2.0.

  12. Most people don’t see through the bullshit, war is big business, most sheep are in a sugar, booze haze and think troops are “heros” when they are just pawns for some zionist cocksucker raking in the dough as usual, fuck you!

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