Flash Mob Crimes And Organized Looting Have Become A Normal Part Of Life In America

Michael Snyder
The American Dream
July 31, 2012

Once upon a time, most Americans had never even heard of “flash mob robberies” or “organized looting”.  Now they are considered to be a part of normal life in America.

On Saturday, more than 20 teens stormed into a trendy clothing store in Chicago and stole more than $3,000 worth of jeans, but it barely made a blip on the national news because this kind of thing has become so common.  After all, we just saw the exact same kind of thing happen in Jacksonville,Detroit, Baltimore and a whole bunch of other places.  Flash mob crimes have become so common in Chicago that they take public opinion polls about them.  But when I first started writing about this phenomenon a couple of years ago, hardly anyone knew what “mob robberies” were.  In fact, I had to explain what these “flash mobs” were doing to a couple of radio hosts because they had never heard of such a thing.  But now everybody knows about the flash mobs.  Another disturbing trend that we are seeing all over America is “organized looting”.  Groups of desperate criminals are going into empty or abandoned buildings and stripping out copper wire, copper pipes and anything else that they can sell for money.  At one time these kinds of thefts made the news, but now they have also become so common that they don’t get much notice anymore.

The sad truth is that the streets of America are changing.  They are becoming a lot more hostile and a lot more dangerous.

Young people in America today do not have respect for authority, they do not have respect for those that are older than them and they do not even have respect for themselves.

Posted below is surveillance camera footage of the mob robbery mentioned above during which thousands of dollars worth of jeans were stolen.  These kids obviously plotted to commit this crime well in advance.  These kids have so little respect for themselves that they are willing to potentially jeopardize their futures over a few pairs of lousy jeans….

Will any of those kids go to jail eventually?

That is a very good question.

In other areas of the country, law enforcement is so overwhelmed that they just let cases such as this one go.

For example, the CBS affiliate in Baltimore recently reported on a mob robbery in the Baltimore area where officials decided not to pursue criminal charges….

After reviewing the surveillance video, the Baltimore City State’s Attorney’s office opted not to pursue criminal charges in the case saying not every conflict warrants them.

A similar incident happened last month at the 7-Eleven on Liberty Road in Baltimore County. And mobs of teens have looted several stores like the one in Montgomery County, stealing hundreds of dollars worth of merchandise.

And word on the street spreads fast.  Once kids realize that they can get away with this kind of behavior it will just encourage more of it.

Sadly, it is not just our young men that are acting this way.  Our young women are also banding together in mobs and are doing crazy things.

The following example comes from a recent New York Post article….

A wolf pack of drunken young women “acting stupid” on a downtown No. 6 train in Manhattan stabbed a 63-year-old man early today — for having had the nerve to ask them to pipe down, police said.

The man was on his way to work at about 6:15 a.m. when he was attacked as the train entered the East 23rd Street station, a law-enforcement source told The Post.

“The eight females were acting stupid. He just told them, ‘Relax. Calm down,’ ” another source said.

Instead, one stabbed him in the left shoulder. He was treated at Bellevue Hospital.

What in the world is happening to us?

Part of it can perhaps be explained by the rampant growth of gangs in America.

Today, there are approximately 1.4 million gang members living inside the United States.  That number has risen by 40 percent just since 2009.

Often these gangs take the place of the family unit.  With so many broken families in America today, there are literally millions of young people that are looking for someone to accept them and take care of them.

Another factor is economic desperation.  There are far more workers than there are jobs in America today, and an increasing number of Americans are turning to crime in an attempt to survive.

Right now we are seeing an unprecedented epidemic of “organized looting” all over the country.  A recent article by Victor Davis Hanson talked about the epidemic of copper wire theft that is happening down where he lives in California….

Protection is found only in self-help. To stop the Road Warriors from stripping the copper cable from your pump or the community’s street lights, civilization is encouraged to put in a video camera, more lighting, more encasement, a wire protective mesh — all based on the premise that the authorities cannot stop the thieves and your livelihood is predicated on the ingenuity of your own counter-terrorism protocols. But the thief is always the wiser: he calculates the cost of anti-theft measures, as well as the state’s bill in arresting, trying, and rehabilitating him, and so wagers that it is cheaper for all of us to let him be and just clean up his mess.

If you have not read his article yet, you really should.  It is excellent.  You can find the entire article right here.

I found it particularly interesting what Victor Davis Hanson is doing in response to the decay of society that he is witnessing all around him….

I find myself insidiously adopting the Road Warrior survival code. Without any systematic design, I notice that in the last two years I have put a hand pump on my grandfather’s abandoned well in the yard and can pump fresh water without electricity. I put in an outdoor kitchen, tied into a 300-gallon propane tank, that can fuel a year of cooking. I am getting more dogs (all vaccinated and caged); for the first time in my life I inventoried all my ancestors’ guns in all the closets and found shotguns, deer rifles, .22s etc.

I have an extra used pickup I chose not to sell always gassed in the garage. For all sorts of scrapes and minor injuries, sprains, simple finger fractures, etc., I self-treat — anything to avoid going into the local emergency room (reader, you will too, when Obamacare kicks in). And the more I talk to neighbors, the more I notice that those who stayed around are sort of ready for our Road Warrior world. At night if I happen to hear Barack Obama on the news or read the latest communiqué from Jerry Brown, the world they pontificate about in no way resembles the world I see: not the freeways, not the medical system, not the educational establishment, not law enforcement, not the “diversity,” not anything.

I would say that it sounds like Victor Davis Hanson is rapidly turning into a prepper.

Not that I blame him of course.

We all want our homes to feel safe and secure.  As society crumbles, it is only natural to pay more attention to preparation and security.

The sad truth is that these criminals are becoming bolder and bolder.  Over the past couple of years we have seen some veryshocking home invasion crimes happen all over the country, and this trend is only going to get worse.

But these days the news is not going to really feature a crime unless it is truly horrific.

That is where a sicko like James Holmes comes in.

Criminals understand that if they want to become really famous that they are going to have to do something really violent or really bizarre to stand out from the crowd.

And America is absolutely crawling with psychos these days, so it can be difficult to truly make a name for yourself if you are a criminal.

Sadly, we are already starting to see some potential “James Holmes copycats” come out of the woodwork.

For example, just check out what happened in Oklahoma recently….

An Oklahoma high school student is behind bars after a cab driver reported hearing him plotting a Columbine-shooting at his school, police said.

Timmy Eike, 18, was arrested on Tuesday after police found a shotgun, rifle and 250 rounds of ammunition in his bedroom.

The teenager’s arrest came a day after gunman James Holmes appeared in a Colorado court accused of killing 12 people and injuring 58 during a midnight screening of the Batman movie.

That is very disturbing.

I don’t know about you, but I am a lot more hesitant to visit the movie theater now, and I sure am glad that I do not have any kids in public schools.

In a world that is going totally crazy, public gatherings are never going to feel quite as safe ever again.

So what do all of you think about these flash mob crimes and all of this organized looting that is going on?

Do you believe that America is less safe or more safe than it used to be?

Please feel free to post a comment with your thoughts below….


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36 Responses to “Flash Mob Crimes And Organized Looting Have Become A Normal Part Of Life In America”

  1. Not once does the author mention that the flash mobs are all black. Look at the cities. Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago ……Wherever blacks are, massive amounts of crime happen. Quit using terms like “youths”, “urban”, or “disadvantaged people”. There is one word that starts with an “N” and ends with “ers” that accurately describes these “individuals” committing these crimes.

    Article Summary: Blacks are filthy sub-humans that commit crimes of opportunity.
    ……..was that so hard to say?

    captain obvious Reply:
    July 31st, 2012 at 3:39 am

    I dont buy into the racist angle 100% at all,
    but will say they’ve been more deprived and oppressed than most!
    desperate people do desperate things, and govt’s “policies” ARE racist.

    look at the “frogs-azz” (watertight!) security at the Northern border where people have lighter skin and speak the same language abiding by nearly the same “laws”.. vs the open Southern border being allowed to invade by darker skinned folks who speak a completely different language, excuse ME for not seeing THAT policy as anything BUT racist.

    govt shipping drugs into the inner cities to MAKE kids of color lose their minds,
    MAKE them physically and psychologically addiceted and desperate,
    turning to crime to support their habit is pretty friggin common..
    it IS a set up to demonize-exploit, after denying education and opportunity,
    after removing fathers from the homes, one way or another, to help cause it.

    dont get me wrong, this isnt “pity party” for those who fall into the trap,
    but I cant blindly jump to racism when there IS also deliberate victimization.

    this video is showing em taking from the establishment side,
    retail outlets who’s insurance is going to cover the losses.
    it isnt violent, it isnt brutal home invasion and theft..
    it isnt RIGHT, but it could be a whole hell of a lot worse too!

    I’ve had too many friends with a darker suntan than me, who are very cool,
    if ya called me a N-lover I’m not about to buy into that either.

    July 31st, 2012 at 3:53 am


    Huggles Reply:
    July 31st, 2012 at 4:12 am

    @GIGGEDY GIGGEDY I saw white dudes in the group. So what is your point?

    PhilStapley Reply:
    July 31st, 2012 at 5:42 am

    @GG’S point is that all of the mob is black. In my world 99% =”all black”. I round up to the nearest percent.

    The non black cashier being stabbed in the photo is a victim, not a participant.

    captain obvious Reply:
    July 31st, 2012 at 6:07 am

    hey SDM.. you DO know I can get right into the name calling,
    if I’m dipped in shit then maybe its because you’re a turdpump?

    how did I get to be a dipshit? I’m sure not a homo…
    must I elaborate?

    captain obvious Reply:
    July 31st, 2012 at 6:39 am

    Phil.. I didnt see anything where the cashier was stabbed.

    PhilStapley Reply:
    July 31st, 2012 at 4:58 am

    Making elaborate excuses to justify why one group of people acts bad is not needed. It is evolution and natural selection in action. Blacks are less evolved than Whites intellectually, but are physically superior. They are 100,000 to 200,000 years behind Whites in evolutionary development.

    This explains why blacks suck at Jeopardy and utterly dominate in basketball.

    There are obvious differences between the races. What is wrong with pointing that out?

    captain obvious Reply:
    July 31st, 2012 at 6:01 am

    absolutely nothing wrong with pointing out there ARE some differences!
    but I still believe a majority of what we see is an effect of political causes.

    less evolved intellectually, I dont think it true, sometimes in fewer and simpler terms very bluntly sums something up very brilliantly, whole lot less rationalizations and justifications than some so called “intelligent” people, who border on the neurotic (can be me too sometimes!).

    my comment wasnt an attempt at anything “elaborate excuses”, we know its a fact that more folks of color ARE deprived of education and higher education for whatever and abundant reasons.
    no personal insults intended with it either of course, I do think in an environment of REAL equality we would be seeing much less differences both criminally and intellectually.

    captain obvious Reply:
    July 31st, 2012 at 6:32 am

    something to think about too…

    if you’ve ever watched episodes of “my cat from hell”,
    the cats need space that is theirs that they are secure about,
    and they need excercise that’ll somewhat satisfy their hunting instincts.

    I’m not really directly comparing TO animals or saying people “are”, BUT..

    look at how all the schools have “outlawed” kids being kids,
    running and playing is ILLEGAL and if kids cant sit still, DOPE EM!!!

    something to take into consideration if the “physical superiority” scenario has any merit, and I’d agree its very well proven! criminalizing kids being energetic.. IS a crime!

    down with the clown Reply:
    July 31st, 2012 at 5:19 am

    nice post captain.

    Scorpion Reply:
    July 31st, 2012 at 4:19 am

    PhilStapley, I don’t agree with you calling Blacks the “N word,” but everything else you said is spot on. Yes, anyone who isn’t blind can look at those photos and see that the flash mob is Black. I agree that the author also tries to skip over the racial identity of the real perpetrators in order to be “politically correct.”

    Alex Jones recently did an interview with a Black Panther here on Prison Planet, and I couldn’t watch it all because this Black man was being so politically correct. Here is the fact….White people own America, but have allowed other Whites from Europe calling themselves “The Illuminati’ to take over. America is now an empire that will collapse soon. Given Blacks make up 13 percent of the population, they are peons who have never had power. When America falls they will be the hardest hit, as Blacks in America have never owned any real wealth or power to begin with. This is why these flash mobs are mostly Blacks, because Blacks are on the bottom, and when you hit rock bottom you often resort to crime.

    This is also why, as a Black man, I DO NOT identify with the patriot movement. You White Americans have something to fight for, your ancestors conquered and built this country. Black people don’t own it, so why should we side with patriots and fight for anything? This is precisely why I’ve been planning to leave the USA for some foreign domicile. I have no loyalty to the USA and my people don’t run this country. We own nothing which means we have nothing to lose. You Whites have the most to lose so you will have to take on your own government or the UN or whatever. But I’m not getting involved in this battle. I visit this website so I can be informed and make better decisions to cover my own ass, and, to know my enemy.

    PhilStapley Reply:
    July 31st, 2012 at 5:08 am

    I don’t agree with being called Whitey, redneck, hillbilly, or trailer trash. Why don’t you get upset when people use those words?

    @scorpion: You write well enough so you cannot be very black. Colin Powell, Condalisa Rice, and Barak Obama are all no more than half black. Anytime a black person does anything worthwhile, you can attribute that to their White heritage. This is why the continent of Africa is such a mess and always will be.

    GetitGotitGood Reply:
    July 31st, 2012 at 6:47 am


    Many blacks fought alongside whites in the revolutionary war and for that matter all wars although I can’t fault you for leaving the country. The level of ex-patriots ( not to be confused with the supposed patriot movement) leaving is rocketing.

    A word of warning though. Many countries are more discriminating than the u.s. Pick your spot carefully.

    Startover Reply:
    July 31st, 2012 at 4:52 am

    Hey Phil

    I’ll say it – ” N I G G E R S ”
    Glad to be of assistance in the truth movement

    Startover Reply:
    July 31st, 2012 at 4:54 am

    And I’m still certain the best solution for humanity is a massive Global Air Burst Nuke strike that wipes out the entire Techno-Grid. All the welfare rats will be dead in a month


    captain obvious Reply:
    July 31st, 2012 at 6:17 am

    their computers all dead sure would go a long way.
    “what phony 0′s and 1′s that were called money?”

    same as theyed done to WTC-7 and pentagon to stop all investigations.
    no computers, no proof the “money” ever existed, problem solved!

    I do have a problem with the “worthless eaters” concept however.

    PhilStapley Reply:
    July 31st, 2012 at 8:30 am

    @Startover: Thank you for the assist. You are a regular John Stockton.

    I agree. A number of EMPs detonated over North America would do the trick. When there are no more welfare checks and food stamps to live on, the negroids will starve to death. When it is permissible to shoot looting negros, they will vanish like the Dodo bird. They are not fit to be in a civilized society. Negros act like animals because of there genetic make up. It is neither good or bad. It just is what is.

    jesus h christ 1971 at
    yahoo .
    Write my address down you or anyone can email me. I want to stay in contact in case I get booted again.

    Vengeance Reply:
    July 31st, 2012 at 7:22 am

    Oh no, They possible can NOT say the ‘Black’ word anymore. Wouldn’t want to cloud any of these growing issues with THE facts…

  2. DC, Wall Street, big banks and corporates..
    ALL CONSPIRED to treasonously sabotage our economy.

    spending like mad to build a police state surveillance prison grid,
    handing US the bill for it as “national security”, is complete BS!

    the answer is investigating the REAL criminals at the top who engineered it,
    scheming up ways to make quick bucks offa dismantling this nation.
    their thefts are lots bigger than some youngins stealing some pants to wear!
    this treasonous economic sabotage IS “controlled demolitions”,
    every bit as much as the literal controlled demolitions on 9-11-01,
    that stopped all investigations of financial frauds committed from the top!

    bigbwana Reply:
    July 31st, 2012 at 4:04 am

    You are so right, however, it is the Illuminati who control everything. Almost. Their evil plan for a NWO has been eradicated by the Galactic Federation. Yes! No myth. They contact us daily at the2012scenario; aquariouschannelings; treeofthe goldenlight. They promise all who have committed crimes against humanity will be punished. The Dark have been defeated! Spread the wondrous news my friend. Thank you, so very much.

    captain obvious Reply:
    July 31st, 2012 at 6:12 am

    well tell em to hurry the hell up, sheesh!

  3. this is just the begining , as the economy turns downward these sort of mobs and robberies will get even more frequent . THIS is what DHS is planning for.

    captain obvious Reply:
    July 31st, 2012 at 6:20 am

    also what it was created for, they got away with 911,
    and continued with their treasonous economic sabotages.

    July 31st, 2012 at 7:56 am

    ‘This is what DHS is Planing for’,so true Hammer Head.When America has Marshall Law,this will stop this type of crime.
    The NWO has not taken over America just yet,but they are trying.

  4. As Jerald Celente says, When Americans have lost everything and have nothing else to loose, THEY WILL LOOSE IT !!!

    We are now seeing evidence of this as America descends into the Grunge Mentality, so well sung about in Rap Music where prison and gang life are epitomized as the place to be, and where clothing manufactures buy into that idiocy by selling to the morons closthes that used to be only sold in Goodwill stores. IE; When you can’t find clothes that fit you buy wherever they have on the rack even if the pants are too big, or torn ect., etc……..

    Get the picture….. When stresses became too much for humanity, they elected to abdicate their responsibilities as parents and allowed their young to run wild in the streets, as it were. In the animal kingdom, if those young ran wild, they were eaten by predators. So if your young are shot in the midst of a robery, you have no bitch, no matter how righteous you believe yourself to be !!

  5. We should do a poll. Which would you rather see, as you are walking down a sidewalk, a group of blacks or a group of whites? Only phony baloney liberals, who live and work exclusively with white people need answer.

  6. home invasions have become a big problem in modern society.

    kids announce a party on tweeter or facebook and hundreds gather to that place destroying the owners hard earned investment??? the party starts slowly but quickly looses control and chaos hits the fan.

    HOw do you counter stop such evil idiocy? shoot them all? not shure that is THE answer? it is 1 approach that can only create more similar violence.

    like the saying goes: it takes soldiers to wage wars! No soldiers= no wars

    NOw it is up to humans to figure out what that realy means or what goes around , comes around

    Vic Reply:
    July 31st, 2012 at 6:27 am

    Maybe and I say maybe that is why a NWO has emerged over time? they know because they have realized the human race is a failior? and maybe this is why they have concluded that they must press the reset button? in order to start over or persue from after the billions of lives to be sacrificed that the human race will learn to live without waging endless war games that benifit only a handfull of corrupt and selfish greedy minds?

    Evil will impload on itself for the evil plan does not account for God’s intervention????

    It is irelevant whether you believe in that or not.

    THe Universe always ends up re balancing itself.And it does what it has to do in order for it to happen?

    Vic Reply:
    July 31st, 2012 at 6:29 am

    and no military empire Mafia can avoid the Universal laws of balance and harmony.

  7. hey that is just a nice little shopping trip among friends

  8. ‘trendy clothing store in Chicago’

    The geographic location of this store tells a story of it own. Located with 2Km of the shiny downtown corporate sky scrapers the area looks to be struggling economically and looks rather tired and dowdy. Looks like there hasn’t been any investment there since the 1980s being reminiscent of a Back to the Future. Youtube CCTV doesn’t capture the billion dollar organized criminal heists a few miles away of those dressed in Armani suit and $100,000 wrist watches. Those black fellows.. Well you can’t really criticise them for not being organised or lacking get up and go. They show the entrepreneurial spirit that America was built on!

  9. I have made 3 trips to Baltimore for my job this year and I feel an eerie feeling every time I go. Most of the people are in poverty there and do not care anymore. I walk with my stun gun and gun with me every time I get out of my car. I stopped filing because of the TSA assault teams. It is a bit of a drive for me but better then dealing with government and shoplifting scum like these blacks. I road the subway and the light rail when I flew and subway system is not a safe place to be although I present myself in a very intimidating vibe so nobody messes with me. I seen lots of homeless white males who ride the buses when I use to fly out there. South Baltimore area is where the poor whites hang out in the Glen Burnie area. The blacks dominate the city.

    Vengeance Reply:
    July 31st, 2012 at 7:24 am

    Blacks taking over and ‘going native’ in the urban jungles aye? Why am I soo NOT surprised…



    facebook is worse than armaments

  11. Wall Street is a flash mob of a different color. Guess who is fu cking us over more?
    Plus, this whole flash mob scenario is new: it has started off mostly one color but it will positively morph into all colors before it’s done because the 99% is all colors and the ptb has the same plan for all of us.

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