Food: A direct connection to how you feel

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(NaturalNews) Ever wonder why you are in pain, feeling tired and sluggish, frequently sick, have less than radiant skin, or just can’t seem to focus? The answer may very well lie in the meals you eat on a daily basis. Food plays a direct role in why you feel the way you do. Making smarter choices by incorporating natural, raw foods into your diet will help to alleviate common symptoms and allow you to live a healthier, symptom-free life.

Processed, chemically and genetically altered foods wreak havoc on your body, especially when ingested regularly over long periods of time. Chronic pain, learning disabilities, increased medical bills, fatigue, frequent illness, sleep disturbances and irritability can occur when nutritionally poor food choices are made on an all too regular basis. Animal products, sugar, artificial colors, preservatives and chemical sweeteners have negative, long-term effects on the body. Below is a list of common foods in the American diet and some of their associated negative health effects.

• Sugar: diabetes, obesity, vitamin loss, learning/behavioral disabilities

• Animal proteins: cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer risk

• Chemical sweeteners: carcinogenic effects, migraines, nervous system damage

• Artificial preservatives/colors: promote cancer, liver detox overload, ADHD

• Decreased fiber: increased risk of colon cancer, cardiovascular disease

The age old adage, “you are what you eat,” is more true today than ever before; eat badly, feel bad; eat well, feel well. Foods in their natural state provide the body with the necessary fuel it needs to function optimally. Minimally processed foods contain a high vitamin content, natural fiber, antioxidants, and lower calories.

• Raw fruits/vegetables: high vitamin content, fiber, phytonutrients, good carbs

• Dried beans/lentils: high in protein, fiber, iron

• Chia seeds: natural source of omega-3’s, fiber, protein

• Nuts (walnuts, almonds, cashews, Brazil): healthy fats, vitamins, protein

• Green tea: cancer fighting, improved cognition, antioxidants, lowers cholesterol

• Almond/Coconut milk: High in vitamins, especially Vitamin D and calcium

• Fresh garlic: anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal

People who eat “clean” reap the health benefits both inside and out, including: clearer skin, less pain and sickness, decreased prescription medications and medical bills, improved sleep, energy levels and mood, and an overall improvement in their quality of life. Healthier eating is not a diet; it is a lifestyle change that your body will thank you for, today and in the future.

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About the author:
Dr. Melissa Bartoszewski is a chiropractor at Estramonte Chiropractic Wellness Center. She is a graduate of New York Chiropractic College. Dr. Bartoszewski is also a raw food and natural healthcare advocate.

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