Foreign aid cash spent tackling climate change

The figures released by the government reveal that total spending on tackling
climate change overseas has increased from £61 million in 2007-08 to more
than £883 million in 2010-11.

During that time, Dfid saw the biggest increase in spending on climate change
with funding available for projects now 45 times higher than four years ago.
The department now also employs 66 specialist climate and environmental

Among the aid provided by Dfid was a £4.7 million project in Indonesia aimed
at helping the government there provide “more effective leadership and
management of climate change programming”.

Another project aimed at encouraging Indian farmers to use manual foot pumps
to draw water from underground for their fields rather than using diesel
powered pumps – a technology that could be considered a step backwards in
terms of the labour required.

In Africa, six businessmen were given financial support to help them produce
and sell solar powered lights.

A project in western Kenya to help indigenous Nganyi rainmakers, who were
being undermined by extreme weather conditions caused by changes in the
climate, was launched in 2008 as part of a £25 million climate change
adaptation programme funded by Dfid.

The project aimed to bring the rainmakers together with Government
meteorologists to produce a “consensus forecast” before relaying
it back to village farmers, who were said to be losing trust in traditional
methods which could not cope with the apparent changes in climate.

It allowed forecasts to be made using a combination of satellite data and
computer models and traditional techniques such as observing insects,
flowers and pot blowing, where herbs are placed into a pot buried in the
ground which the rainmaker blows into through a pipe, listening for coming

In total £3.5 billion of public money has been paid out or allocated to
projects addressing climate change abroad since 2007-08.

Although Dfid accounts for the bulk of the spending, other departments have
also spent significant amounts abroad.

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office has also spent more than £71 million on
tackling climate change and energy programmes overseas in the past two

This included a “Low Carbon High Growth Strategic Fund” operating in
developed and developing countries including Poland, China, India, Brazil,
Saudi Arabia, Japan, Indonesia and Mexico to promote low carbon technologies
and “creating the political conditions to avoid dangerous climate change”.

The Department for Environment, Farming and Rural Affairs has spent more than
£233,000 attending climate change negotiations and has also allocated £10
million for a project to tackle deforestation in the Brazilian Cerrado.

As revealed by The Sunday Telegraph last year, the Department for
Energy and Climate Change also
spent £537 million
on “developing an international agreement
on climate change” and promoting low carbon technologies in developing
countries since 2007/08.

The department also plans to spend a further £1 billion between 2012 and 2015.

Conservative MPs said the expenditure had be closely examined.

Philip Davies, a Conservative MP who has been an outspoken critic of attempts
by the Coalition to increase foreign aid spending at a time when there are
deep financial cuts happening in Britain, said: “Much of this will be
about alleviating problems in many, many years to come.

“A lot of people consider international aid to be about addressing more
pressing needs around the world that are more deserving of immediate

“It has to be asked if spend fortunes on trying to tackle something
which may or may not be a problem in a 100 years time or more is the best
use of the international development budget.”

Douglas Carswell, Tory MP for Clacton, said: “It is not a priority for us
to be spending these large amounts of public money on climate change when
there is hardship at home.

“We are having to borrow billions of pounds every month to keep
Government spending where it is and we are having to make cut backs to
public services in the UK.

“People who live in developing countries have an absolute right to get
wealthier but there are some serious questions about the extent to which the
changes in the climate that are going on now are man-made.

“This seems like permanent public officials are inflating their budgets
to justify their existence.”

Dr Benny Peiser, director of the Global Warming Policy Foundation, which is
sceptical about man-made global warming, also questioned the effectiveness
of the money going abroad to tackle climate change.

He said: “A lot of money is wasted on schemes that don’t actually help
country’s develop more resilience that would be good regardless of climate

“These handouts often come with conditions that appear to be pressure
foreign governments into sighing up to global emissions policies.”

Andrew Mitchell, Secretary of State for International Development, said it was
in Britain’s best interests to help other countries tackle climate change
because it is a global problem.

He said: “The Coalition Government is committed to being the greenest
government ever.

“Climate change will hit the poorest hardest and leave many more people
susceptible to flooding, failing crops and food shortages. We can only help
these people if all countries – rich and poor – work together.

“This is why Britain works with emerging economies whose carbon
emissions are predicted to grow fastest – to pool our knowledge and tackle
global problems like deforestation and carbon emissions.”

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