Former Beijing mayor says Tiananmen was avoidable tragedy

Yao said Chen told him that the Tiananmen crackdown should never have happened
and that he hoped the government would formally re-evaluate the incident, in
which the military crushed protests, killing hundreds, possibly thousands,
of people.

“Chen said it was a tragedy that could have been avoided and that he
hoped in his heart that the incident could have been resolved peacefully but
in the end it wasn’t,” Yao said during an interview in a downtown
Beijing fast-food restaurant.

“I asked him how he felt as mayor at that time to see so many innocent
civilians killed, and he said he felt very sorry,” Yao said.

The book, “Conversations With Chen Xitong,” broaches subjects too
sensitive to be published in China proper but is being released by New
Century Press in Hong Kong, the Chinese territory that enjoys freedom of
speech and other civil liberties left from its time as a British colony.

Chen’s comments add to a growing debate ahead of a once-a-decade transfer of
power later this year from one generation of party leaders to younger

Party elders and scholars have been urging the leadership to address
politically taboo events in recent history so that the government can avoid
repeating mistakes of the past and move ahead with needed reforms.

Source: AP

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