Former NSW MP Rex Jackson dies

Controversial former NSW Labor MP Rex Jackson has died on the state’s south coast. He was 83.

Mr Jackson was elected MP for Bulli, north of Wollongong, in 1955 and then MP for Heathcote, in Sydney’s south in 1971.

But he became best known for accepting bribes in exchange for the early release of prisoners in 1983 – a crime that led to his resignation from parliament and a jail term.

The scandal broke while Mr Jackson was the state’s corrective services minister.

He served just over three years in prison before returning home to Helensburgh.

There he launched an ice cream and hotdogs business before retiring.

Former NSW Labor MP John “Johno” Johnson said Mr Jackson was a decent man who loved to gamble.

“He was a very effervescent fellow but in later life, he had a passion for the dogs,” Mr Johnson told the ABC network.

“He’d go to the Dapto dogs, he’d go to the Wentworth Park dogs; he was a fixture at those events.”

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