Former soldier, 32, ‘hit pub punch ball so hard he severed tendons in hand and couldn’t work for six months’

  • David Forster was left with a permanent injury after severing tendons in his hand
  • Ex-Coldstream Guard is now suing Sam Jack’s pub in Newcastle over the incident

Damien Gayle

Last updated at 9:57 PM on 8th February 2012

A former soldier spent six months out of work after hitting a pub punchball machine so hard it severed tendons in his hand.

David Forster, 32, scored a respectable 900 points out of 1,000 when he struck the arcade machine at Sam Jack’s pub in Newcastle with a savage right-hander.

But the impact split his hand from finger to wrist and severed tendons – leaving him permanently disfigured and unable to work for six months.

Ouch: Former soldier David Forster shows off his hand which he injured playing a pub punch ball machine

Ouch: Former soldier David Forster shows off his hand which he injured playing a pub punch ball machine

Now the former Coldstream Guard is suing the bar for £8,000 in damages for the injury.

He said: ‘As soon as I made contact with the punch ball my hand split open and there was blood everywhere.

‘I tried to stem the flow by running it under the toilet tap but as soon as the water was on my hand, the pain was excruciating.

‘I had only been out for a few hours and had a few pints so I was gutted that I had to end my night and go to hospital.’

Mr Forster, a father of one, was out with friends on a stag night in Newcastle city centre when the incident happened at around 8pm on 18th June last year.

Permanently damaged: Mr Forster was out of work for six months after the accident

Permanently damaged: Mr Forster was out of work for six months after the accident

The game tests players’ mettle by measuring the power of a punch thrown at a padded ball suspended from the machine.

for the pub claim Mr Forster was drunk and stumbled, missing the punch
ball and hitting the metal framework holding it in place.

But Mr Forster’s legal team claim CCTV footage prove he made contact with the punch ball and walked away.

was taken by ambulance to the Royal Victoria Infirmary in Newcastle
where he needed 12 stitches and a metal plate in his hand.

Test of mettle: A punchbag arcade game, like the one on which Mr Forster injured his hand

Test of mettle: A punchbag arcade game, like the one on which Mr Forster injured his hand

Mr Forster, of Newcastle, spent five days in hospital after contracting an infection and needed plastic surgery to rebuild his hand.

His fiancee Donna Bell, 31, nursed David while he had physiotherapy, two times a week for up to four months.

Mr Forster, who now works as a security guard for the JobCentre added: ‘I am battling for some form of compensation for my loss of earnings.

‘I was out of work for six months and nearly lost my house because I was struggling to pay the mortgage.

‘I will always have problems with my hand now and worry that I can no longer defend myself.

‘I used to box in the army and play football a lot – I can’t do any of these sports anymore.’

Managers at Sam Jack’s pub said they were unable to comment on Mr Forster’s claim.

Managers of the pub where David Forster damaged his hand on a punch ball machine said they were unable to comment on his claim.

Bob Senior, managing director of Utopian Leisure group, said: ‘I am unfamiliar with this incident personally. All incidents are passed on to our insurance company who deal with them.  

‘This is the usual procedure we follow and part of our insurance conditions. I can make no further comment.’

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What a fool.

He is the architect of his own misfortune, nobody else. But of course we live in times where no one takes any level of responsibility for their actions and everything that ever goes wrong in life is always somebody else’s fault.

I was running too fast through the park the other day and ran into a lamp post, i shall be suing my local park. I would also like my ugly mug on the daily mail website.

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