Four killed in fresh Pakistan violence

The first incident took place early Tuesday when armed masked men riding a car attacked a security checkpoint in Shera Kot area of the city of Lahore in Punjab province, killing two policemen and injuring two others.

The injured policemen were transferred to a local hospital where they are said to be in critical condition. The attackers managed to escape from the scene.

Security forces cordoned off the area after the attack and launched a search operation in the region.

In a separate incident in southwestern Balochistan province, gunmen opened fire at two people and killed them near a passport office in Quetta town early on Tuesday. A person also was injured in the firing.

No group has yet claimed responsibility for the attacks.

Over 35,000 Pakistanis have lost their lives in bombings and other militant attacks since 2001 when Pakistan joined an alliance with the United States in the so-called war against terrorism, according to local media.

Since late 2009, there has been a surge in militant attacks in Pakistan and thousands more have been displaced by the wave of violence and militancy sweeping across the country.

Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan (TTP) militants and associated groups have carried out numerous attacks on security forces as well as civilians.


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