Free Speech in the Face of Tyranny – Final “Stop Dictator Obama” Contest Phase 1 Entries Part 1
June 23, 2012

Information of Obama’s murderous, treasonous dictatorship is hitting the streets. Here are the final submissions for Phase 1 of the “Stop Dictator Obama” Infowars contest.

The submissions have been divided into two different pages to help load times and because of the overwhelming support we received.

Related: “Free Speech in the Face of Tyranny – Final “Stop Dictator Obama” Contest Phase 1 Entries Part 2″

Read the rules here

Obama Dictator Poster Hangup ( part 1 )

Stop Dictatorship of Obama Poster Contest

Natomas Walmart Obama

Dictator Obama on the streets of El Paso

Obama Dictator Poster Contest: Cleveland and Kent, Ohio

Mr Dic-trator I’m So Tired Of Being A Slave ( Obama Scum Contest )

IMG 6159

IMG 6160

Infowars Activism: STOP Dictator Obama!

Epic Infowars Time – Kicked out of Comfest for Free Speech – Epic Posters 101

Stop being a Scumbag Dictator Obama!

obama poster 2

Dictator Obama Contest Submission

INFOWARS Dictator Contest: My Video

Operation WAKEUP Beale AFB

* INFOWARS * Stop Dictator Obama Contest



Obama Dirty rat Dictator Scum

infowars contest poster contest


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