French presidential election: Paris braces itself for violence at huge May Day rallies

  • 1,000 officers mobilise as presidential election campaign intensifies

Peter Allen

08:51 EST, 30 April 2012


08:55 EST, 30 April 2012

Inciting violence: Left-wing presidential candidate Jean-Luc Melenchon (pictured) has called on protesters to 'bring iron bars' as right wing rivals gather in Paris tomorrow

Inciting violence: Left-wing presidential candidate Jean-Luc Melenchon (pictured) has called on protesters to ‘bring iron bars’ as right wing rivals gather in Paris tomorrow

Paris will be on riot alert tomorrow as France’s bitter presidential election campaign threatens to degenerate into street violence.

As far-right National Front supporters gather to celebrate the 600th birthday of Joan of Arc, left-wing firebrand Jean-Luc Melenchon has called on rival protesters to ‘bring iron bars’.

Meanwhile, conservative President Nicolas Sarkozy and his Socialist rival Francois Hollande will also be staging rallies in the French capital.

‘It makes for a huge security headache,’ said a spokesman for the city’s police prefecture, who will be responsible for maintaining the peace. ‘A massive operation will swing into action to try and prevent public disorder.’

Some 1,000 officers including CRS riot police will be deployed at potential flashpoints, which include the area around the Paris Opera, where the National Front will gather.

Their presidential candidate, Marine Le Pen, won almost 20 per cent in the first round of the election, causing an outcry among left-wing voters.

Ms Le Pen and her father, the convicted racist and anti-Semite Jean-Marie Le Pen, will use the day to try to boost publicity for the party.

Despite her success, Ms Le Pen was eliminated from the election, but is now expected to use her May 1 meeting to tell her supporters who to vote for in the second round.

Call to arms: Mr Melenchon's supporters will coming up against those of National front candidate Marine Le Pen, who won almost 20 per cent in the first round of the election, in the capital to mark Joan of Arc's 600th birthday

Call to arms: Mr Melenchon’s supporters will coming up against those of National front candidate Marine Le Pen, who won almost 20 per cent in the first round of the election, in the capital to mark Joan of Arc’s 600th birthday

Both Sarkozy and Hollande, who will be involved in a head-to-head for the presidency on Sunday, have been openly trying to win over National Front supporters.

Mr Melenchon, who took 11.5 per cent of the first round vote as the Left Party candidate,  said the ‘iron bars’ would help prove to the world that May 1st was a traditional ‘worker’s day’.

The Communist-backed CGT, France’s biggest union, will be on the street, as will anarchist groups.

Sarkozy has added to the tension, telling his own supporters to gather for a huge rally opposite the Eiffel Tower, and to celebrate ‘true work, not status.’

Up against it: French President Nicolas Sarkozy (above) will also be staging a rally as the election goes down to the wire

Up against it: French President Nicolas Sarkozy (above) will also be staging a rally as the election goes down to the wire

Frontrunner: French Socialist Party rival Francois Hollande (pictured) is ten points ahead of Mr Sarkozy, according to the latest opinion poll

Frontrunner: French Socialist Party rival Francois Hollande (pictured) is ten points ahead of Mr Sarkozy, according to the latest opinion poll

Sarkozy said he wanted to pit these ‘true workers’ against those he claims live off overly generous state handouts and who often ‘earn more by not working than others do by working.’

Earlier this month, Sarkozy said that ‘the unions cannot privatise May Day’, and said that everybody had a right to express themselves.

The latest Ifop opinion poll shows Hollande on 55 per cent of the vote, 10 points ahead of Sarkozy.

If Hollande does win on Sunday, then he will become France’s first Socialist president since Francois Mitterand retired in 1995.

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To the french… A Left wing president will ruin your country, Best wishes Dave

To the french… A Left wing president will ruin your country, Best wishes Dave

At least the Police will have the right equipment to deal with it.

Marine Le Pen, is the new Joan of Arc.
We do not have ANYONE in the UK who can match her for courage, from any political persuasion
Anyone want to run the gauntlet of the PC brigade, and be a hero…thought not.

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