French secret service ‘at the beck and call of Nicolas Sarkozy’

Calling the shots is Bernard “the Shark” Squarcini, the DCRI’s
Corsican boss, described by the book’s three journalist authors as one of
his so-called “‘Sarkoboys’ ready to do anything to defend him”.

“If the President asks me to reupholster the tapestry of Fort Bregançon
(the presidential country retreat), I’ll do it,” Mr Squarcini is quoted
as saying.

According to Didier Hassoux, from investigative and satirical weekly Le Canard
Enchaîné and Olivia Recasens and Christophe Labbé from Le Point magazine, Mr
Squarcini has created a shadowy special operations unit known as “subdivision
R” which “doesn’t figure on any flowchart”.

It comprises “15 men versed in opening doors undetected, bugging
apartments or placing trackers under cars.” They are also experts at
remotely hacking computers to retrieve information.

“They only have one rule: ‘Not seen, not caught’,” one agent

“It’s gone too far. There is a real malaise in the service. Squarcini
doesn’t know how to say ‘no’ to the President,” another DCRI agent is
cited as saying.

The book’s release could not come at a worse time for the unpopular Mr Sarkozy
as he attempts to focus media attention on his fight against unemployment
ahead of a re-election bid in April.

It came just two days after Philippe Courroye, a top prosecutor widely seen as
close to Mr Sarkozy, was placed under investigation for illegally spying on
a Le Monde journalist investigating the politically explosive Bettencourt

Mr Squarcini is under investigation in the same case. Both deny wrongdoing.

The DCRI notably conducted an investigation into who had initiated rumours
last year that Mr Sarkozy and his wife Carla Bruni-Sarkozy were both having
affairs. It honed in on the former justice minister, Rachida Dati, who
forcefully denied any involvement.

A DCRI agent also told the book’s authors that before his arrest on rape
charges in New York last May, Dominique Strauss-Kahn was also a “target”.

Mr Sarkozy is by no means the first French leader to be accused of spying on
rivals and allies; François Mitterrand famously bugged the phones of
numerous public figures but also any actresses he was keen on.

One agent said political use of the agency had hit “levels never reached
under (Jacques) Chirac and Mitterrand”.

Mr Squarcini denied the book’s “insulting” claims, saying: “I
am nobody’s spy”.

Claude Guéant, the interior minister, said: “I deny that the DCRI is
a political instrument at the government’s service.”

He said it always operated “within a legal framework” and “doesn’t
listen in on political figures.”

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