Furious father bites off six-year-old son’s penis in China before spitting it out

07:41 EST, 11 March 2012


10:18 EST, 11 March 2012

Passers-by were left horrified when a ‘mentally-ill’ father bit off his six-year-old son’s penis and spat it out.

Witnesses in Shenzhen, in the Guangdong province of China, said the 32-year-old father was walking with his
naked son and four-year-old daughter on the street when he commanded the
boy to lick his penis.

When the boy refused, he then attacked him using his teeth to remove his son’s genitals.

Despicable: A picture of the six-year-old boy whose father bit off his penis in Shenzhen in the Guangdong province of China

Despicable: A picture of the six-year-old boy whose father bit off his penis in Shenzhen in the Guangdong province of China

A shocking picture in the City Post newspaper shows the youngster laying on a hospital bed with the area bandaged.

Editors at the paper obscured the boy’s face to protect his identity.

The paper reports doctors were able to successfully reattach the boy’s genitalia, however it is too early to tell whether he will have normal use of the appendage.

Shenzhen, China

Shenzhen, China

Police said the father is likely to have a
mental illness as he was recently seen pretending to strangle his son
on their balcony, according to witnesses.

Investigations also found that the
man, who was only identified by the surname Yu, was severely in debt
after a failed business venture and was often seen gambling.

Relatives will now care for the six-year-old boy and his sister.


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