#GazaUnderAttack | Ministry Of Detainees Publishes Names Of 26 Palestinians Kidnapped In Gaza

The Palestinian Ministry of Detainee and Ex-Detainees stated that its legal units managed, a few days ago, to obtain a list containing the names of 26 Palestinians kidnapped by the Israeli army, along with several others, during the Israeli invasion and its aggression on Gaza.

File - Radio Bethlehem 2000
File – Radio Bethlehem 2000

The 26 Palestinians have been constantly interrogated and tortured, and are currently imprisoned at the Asqalan (Ashkelon) Israeli prison.

The Legal Unit of the Ministry of detainees said it is closely following the case of kidnapped Palestinians, and is trying to get information about more Palestinians, kidnapped in the recent Israeli invasion into border areas of Gaza, who might still be detained at other detention camps.

The Ministry called on the families of the following detainees to head to its office in Gaza, or to call the head of the Detainee’s Affairs department, adding that Israel will be sending the detainees to military courts this week.

1. Ibrahim Abu Lehya.
2. Ahmad Abu Lehya.
3. Hasan al-Astal.
4. Abdul-Rahman Ba’lousha.
5. Mohammad al-Aagha.
6. Mohammad Al-Qedra.
7. Mo’men Najjar.
8. Issa Najjar.
9. Hatem Abu Reeda.
10. Mohammad Abu Reeda.
11. Nidal Abu Reeda.
12. Eyad Abu Reeda.
13. Mohammad Ramadan.
14. Ibrahim Abu Shaweesh.
15. Khaled Najjar.
16. Abdullah Najjar.
17. Samir Najjar.
18. Jihad Abu Haddad.
19. Morad ‘Amour.
20. Mohammad ‘Amour.
21. Moath Abu Tayeh.
22. Mohammad Abu Draj.
23. Mohammad Abu Teir.
24. Amir Abu Louli.
25. Abdul-Qader Shallouf.
26. Nafeth Shallouf.


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Follow the genocide in Gaza - In Photos and Video

Click here to watch the genocide in Gaza – Day by Day -In Photos and Video

For who does not understand the need or concept of resistance of Palestine, recommended read:

The History of Resistance – The Eagle of Palestine


Is Resisting Genocide a Human Right?

81 Notre Dame Law Review1275(2006). Conducting an in-depth study of the genocide in Darfur, Sudan, and also discussing other genocides, this article details the inadequacy of many of the international community’s response to genocides, such as “targeted sanctions” or international peacekeeping forces. Examining international legal authorities such as the Genocide Convention, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the International Court of Justice, the article demonstrates that groups which are being subjected to genocide have a legal right of self-defense. International treaties, Security Council arms embargoes, or national gun control laws cannot lawfully be enforced in a manner which prevents self-defense resistance to a genocide in progress, because under international law, the prohibition against any form of complicity in genocide takes legal precedence over lesser laws. With Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen. In PDF.


  • The Palestinian Right of Self Defense
  • Brayer: The Absolute Right of Palestinian Resistance – Source
  • No. Israel Does Not Have the Right to Self-Defense In International Law Against Occupied Palestinian Territory – Source
  • If Jews in WWII  Warsaw would have had rockets: They would have fired them too – by occpal


  • The “Rocket” from Gaza MythPhotography
  • More facts about the Rocket from Gaza MythsStorify
  • Half the story: What @IDFSpokesperson leaves out about #Gaza ~ by @yousefmunayyer
  • Israel and #Gaza: Context Behind Projectile Fire ~ by @yousefmunayyer
  • Truths and lies behind Israel’s attacks on Gaza and its whining about rockets ~ by @AliAbunimah
  • Israel is not looking for peace. Nor talks. But: This


* The list of shuhada does not display, the numerous victims of the zionist occupation which are undocumented by media. Nor it displays the victims of the “silent onslaught” due to restrictions of movement, ability to go to hospitals for treatment or life saving surgery, due to lack of medication because of the blockades and so on. For example: The Slow Motion Genocide by the Siege on Gaza only, killed 600 patients since Gaza got under Israeli Siege.

For an overview of All Israeli Massacres Palestinians go here

Neither does this list, display the avoidable mortality. A clear and statistical factual evidence, about the number of deaths due to indecent ruling by occupation forces. For even an occupier has obligations under International Laws, Geneva Convention and the Hague regulations, which it is neglecting. These circumstances, together with deliberate policies of the occupier to neglect and even deny every basic human right, severes avoidable mortality which is totally silenced by media or reporting organisations. While in the Holocaust, 1 on 6 Jewish people directly died of deliberate neglect, so if we believe the facts over 1 million due to avoidable mortality, neither should these same circumstances be ignores which are ongoing in Palestine. For this report displays a avoidable morality of at least 0,5 million Palestinians.

How many more dead corpses of Palestinians does the international community need to see in order to act? How many more cruelties and violations of Human Rights, Regulations and International Law will be needed to intervene so this ongoing warcrime is being stopped once and for all.

Source Article from http://occupiedpalestine.wordpress.com/2014/08/13/gazaunderattack-ministry-of-detainees-publishes-names-of-26-palestinians-kidnapped-in-gaza/

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