Ghana president John Atta Mills dies suddenly aged 68

Today, it is West Africa’s largest economy after Nigeria and Africa’s ninth
biggest through gold mining, cocoa production and exploitation of rich oil
deposits discovered two years ago.

With neighbours including Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso and Mali to the north, it
was seen as a country of stability in a region plagued by unrest.

John Dramani Mahama, the Vice President, was due to be sworn in as interim
leader on Tuesday night. Presidential elections are set for December. Mr
Mills was expected to win a second term.

David Zounmenou, a West Africa expert with South Africa’s Institute for
Security Studies, said Ghana’s president would be much missed.

“He was a god-fearing man with a good heart, who sought to balance
regional interests with Ghanaian interests and remain neutral while
co-operating with regional peace and stability efforts,” he said. “He
was a good example for the continent and will be greatly missed.”

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