Gingrich hints at ending campaign

“I think we need to take a deep look at what we are doing,” Gingrich said in an interview with NBC News during a campaign stop in Delaware on Monday, the Huffington Post reported.

“We will be in North Carolina tomorrow night and we will look and see what the results are,” he added.

The Republican presidential contender also said he would need to “reassess” the situation based on the results of Tuesday’s primary in Delaware. Gingrich highlighted that the state’s 17 delegates were essential to his viability as a candidate.

“I would hope we would do well here — either carry it or come very, very close,” he said.

Gingrich’s campaign has been a roller-coaster from the beginning of his bid. After a period of apparent success following the January victory in the South Carolina primary, his campaign has been on a downward slide.

His team announced in late March that one-third of Gingrich’s campaign staff would be laid off.

According to a report filed with the Federal Election Commission (FEC), Gingrich’s campaign ended last month with $4.3 million in debt, up from $1.5 million at the end of February.

The fortnightly conservative magazine National Review called on Gingrich in February to leave the Republican primary contest.

“It would be a grave mistake for the party to make someone with such poor judgment and persistent unpopularity its presidential nominee,” the magazine said.


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