Glenn Beck Doesn’t Want To Talk About Bilderberg

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June 20, 2012

Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange talks to Glenn Beck for a little bit, but when the Bilderberg group is brought up, he is ignored. Beck’s security detail at the Faith Freedom Summit was more extensive then any other politician there. The video you are seeing is the only instance that Beck appeared in front of the public, which made it impossible to hold a dialog.

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5 Responses to “Glenn Beck Doesn’t Want To Talk About Bilderberg”

  1. Oh Luke, Glenn probably cried all the way home after the way you treated him.

  2. I’m a delivery driver out of the greater Indianapolis area so I mostly listen to talk radio all day while working.

    Sadly I haven’t been able to get Alex Jones on my radio so I resort to listening to Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh. Both of these seem to be on script with allot of the same views we share but they don’t talk about any of the breaking news that are important enough that we the people should know about.

    They do talk about SISPA, Fast and Furious, NDAA and other political matters but not about Ron Paul getting ripped off w/voting fraud or Bilderberg group and other key elements of one world order that I’m aware of.

    When a caller presents a major issue about serious matters like voter fraud, they spin it to a completely different subject.

    They are so quick to label Alex Jones a quack without investigating the facts that are presented to us thru links in the articles through-out the or websites.

    They might consider it smart to not help ‘we the people’ go up against the powers at hand but it tells me they are cowards and are only looking out for themselves. They don’t want the hassle.

    hammerhead Reply:
    June 20th, 2012 at 10:42 am

    if you listen to beck , then you here him rant about the communist and muslim influences all around the obama white house.

    alex jones refuses to address that subject , and then there are subjects that niether will discuss
    and yea , they are cowards for petending to be on “the cutting edje” with news , while ignoring the majority of subjects.

    and why are we still talking about ron paul on this site? HE DON’T MATTER!
    uhhhh , unless your a texan.

  3. The ethnicities of the Administration are not newsworthy compared to voter fraud against Ron Paul, 911 truth, or the Bilderberg secret agenda. But on this particular subject, I suspect anyone who dismisses the Bilderberg meeting as non-existent or not important must be a spokesman for the Bilderbergs. So, Glenn Beck is one of them. I always thought he was smarmy anyway; no real surprise here.

  4. Not one bit surprising gbeck really knowingly or unknowingly the jinn spririt is something one does not make deals with aye they call it evil for a reason ,many attributes untrustworthy is one.

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