GMO Grass Kills Cows In Texas: Cyanide Gas!

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June 24, 2012

A mysterious mass death of a herd of cattle has prompted a federal investigation in Central Texas.

Mysterious Mass Cattle Deaths May Be Caused By Random Grass Mutation

Preliminary tests revealed the Tifton 85 grass, which has been here for years, had suddenly started producing cyanide gas, poisoning the cattle.

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3 Responses to “GMO Grass Kills Cows In Texas: Cyanide Gas!”

  1. You can’t play with the DNA, the consequences are disastrous. Can you see now just how perfect the Lord made everything ? The creator put the heavens in its place and installed an antiseptic called “radiation” to keep any contaminates from affecting his creation: Earth. Scientist found a way to play with this antiseptic and you can see the disasters from it all over the world. So, now scientist want to conquer the intricate aspects within the internal commands of the DNA, sounds like a plan to me ? …..ah but, you have a problem; you don’t understand the commands within the Ribosomes ! …..not even the slightest clue ! Everything from Oncogenes too Tumor suppressor genes have to be balance within the equation……if you can conquer that, you’ll be the Creator ! If not, oh well, you’ll see what’ll happen.

  2. all of this gmo shit will mass kill sooner or later.

  3. Tifton 85 is a hybrid from a variety of different grasses. Cyanide itself is a very simple molecule – one carbon atom bound to a nitrogen atom with a triple bond. Apricot kernels and apple seeds also contain this molecule

    Could be just as likely that there was contaminated ground water, fertiliser or manure. Some industrial dyes are based on cyanide based compounds.

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