Google and Apple use planes that can film you sunbathing in your back garden

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UK Daily Mail
Monday, June 11, 2012

Spy planes able to photograph sunbathers in their back gardens are being deployed by Google and Apple.

The U.S. technology giants are racing to produce aerial maps so detailed they can show up objects just four inches wide.

But campaigners say the technology is a sinister development that brings the surveillance society a step closer.

Google admits it has already sent planes over cities while Apple has acquired a firm using spy-in-the-sky technology that has been tested on at least 20 locations, including London.

Apple’s military-grade cameras are understood to be so powerful they could potentially see into homes through skylights and windows. The technology is similar to that used by intelligence agencies in identifying terrorist targets in Afghanistan.

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18 Responses to “Google and Apple use planes that can film you sunbathing in your back garden”

  1. Apple is one of the most evil companies. Most “profitable” in the world, but around their factory in China they put nets up to stop their workers from committing suicide. RT did a story on it a while back.

    Truth_Seeker Reply:
    June 11th, 2012 at 3:31 am

    I use neither Google nor Apple products. I find the Linux search machine Duck Duck Go fine. It seems to be good anyway, and they say they have a strong privacy policy and open-source software, etc. Check it out:

    Matzo Man Reply:
    June 11th, 2012 at 5:39 am

    I use StartPage.

  2. I have an HTC ONE Sense phone, and i have an app called AndroidLost…you go to their website, login, go to features…you’ll shit yourself.
    If my phone is ever lost or stolen, i can remotely turn my phone on and record conversations, shout a voice message through the phone speaker’s, have the camera take a picture via the front face, track the phone via GPS/Satellite imagery up to 30 feet to the phones location whether the battery is in the phone or not. Not-to-mention a myriad of other features. I’m not trying to sell you the app, it’s free anyways, i’m saying that if this one app can do these things…imagine what they can do without my knowledge just by me possessing this phone. If you have a similar phone like an Iphone…*smile*…you’re on Candid (gov’t) Camera.

    Ubetterlisten Reply:
    June 11th, 2012 at 6:58 am

    That’s scary!! My daughter has an Iphone 4, so I will definitely be sharing this with her!!

  3. These programs are all being spear-headed by the New World Order agenda’s to their prospective total enslavement program, as it grows, newer developments will take-hold and control over every life on this planet. It’s not a dream anymore, only we are suffering with the dreams, and really, they’re nightmares.

  4. go ahead and fly your nosey planes over my house – i sunbathe topless!!!

    IRONDAD Reply:
    June 11th, 2012 at 6:54 am

    Can I use my hot air balloon?

    Patriotgirl Reply:
    June 11th, 2012 at 8:16 am

    sure. knock yourself out. lol

  5. How can this be legal dont we have the right to privacy guaranteed under our constitutuon? aircraft taking pictures of my property and possibly inside my residence does not constitute privacy! next thing we know they will eb sending mini subs up our sewer lines to see what in our toilets! This is absurd enough is enough we need to get amd and make a big stink over this!

  6. the agenda is not sinister. in fact, i for one, would like real time, high-res arial imagery of my home so that i can check it while gone. i don’t give a damn if people see me naked outside. satellites will soon have this resolution anyway. but if you are concerned, buy a bunch of mirrors at the thrift store and arrange them around your home and property to ‘blind’ the camera.

    IRONDAD Reply:
    June 11th, 2012 at 6:51 am

    Of course!Our big brother government loves us so much,any sinister activity would be silly!I love my big daddy Rockefeller,Uncle Barry and Grampa Henry Kissinger!They only have our best interests in mind.

  7. This is the stuff the NSA/CIA make available to businesses. Their own stuff is always 10 times better.

  8. Yahoo and Dell Computer have a killer SCUD-App that’s lethal to anything it sees over the horizon.

  9. You people who think it’s “no big deal” that these planes can see everything inside/outside your homes…have you ever heard of VOYEURISM??? The last time I checked, it was against the law to spy on someone. It’s people like you that the gov’t can control. Seriously, don’t be a puppet on a string…you SHOULD CARE what they do!! I’m not trying to be mean..honestly…but these people with Apple Google are doing this with an agenda…TOTAL CONTROL BY THE GOV’T!!!

    For those of you who believe in the Bible, the “apple” in the logo for Apple computers has a bite taken out…just like the serpent in the Garden of Eden talked Eve into doing. Looks like Apple is the serpent WE are the “Eves”.

  10. That’s exactly right!! What gets me is when you try to tell people this, they think you’re either loony or paranoid from listening to “conspiracy theories”!! I guess when it all comes done hard they will believe it!

  11. People need to listen when you tell them this stuff! I’ve found that they either think I’m nuts or paranoid from watching too many conspiracy theories. I guess they will believe us when it all comes down!

  12. Google and Apple products are not used by me and won,t be. And who the hell thinks it,s ok to allow private companies to spy on us. Constitutional traitors thats who. Prepare to take our country back by force with military and local law enforcement if need be.

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