Google+ trends: Towel Day, Britney Spears’s first day on ‘X Factor USA’

Google+ users are celebrating “Towel Day” on May 25 in honor of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy author Douglas Adams.

Plussers are posting funny towel pictures, posting that today is “actually *super*towelday“ because “25 + 5 + 12 = 42,” and telling their followers to Google “the answer to life the universe and everything.”

American singer Britney Spears has just finished her first day on set of X Factor USA.

While some Google+ users are linking to articles that suggest the star walked off set during contestant auditions in Austin, Britney has denied the claims, tweeting, “‪#Britneywalksoff‬??? LOL was just taking a little break people. I am having the BEST time!!!”

Pop star Lady Gaga is also at the top of Google+’s trends as Plussers link to articles about her sold out performance in the Philippines and discuss ongoing controversy over the Asian leg of her Born This Way Ball Tour. Other G+’ers say that Lady Gaga is currently in Thailand, where she has met some of the country’s top “ladyboys.”

The Miami Heat beat the Indiana Pacers 105 to 93 during last night’s match and will go on to play in the NBA Eastern Conference finals, say Google+’ers who followed the game.  

Fans of the Japanese pop group AKB48 are still penning open letters to their favorite member on Google+ in the hope of becoming one of six official “fan reporters” who will win a trip to Japan and a personal thank-you video from their favorite group member.

The top 5 most talked about topics on Google+ on May 25 at 7:30 AM GMT are:

  1. Lady Gaga
  2. #TowelDay
  3. Britney Spears
  4. #Heat
  5. #akbge_en
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