Gordon Brown is paid £120,000 for four-hour forum in Russia

Mail On Sunday Reporter

18:51 EST, 9 June 2012


18:52 EST, 9 June 2012

Gordon Brown was paid more than £120,000 for appearing at a four-hour conference – a rate of £500 a minute.

The former Labour Prime Minister received the fee for speaking to financiers in Russia in February, although he was said not to have personally taken ‘a penny’.

He was a guest speaker at the Russia Forum, Moscow’s equivalent to the World Economic Forum in Switzerland, where Russian President Vladimir Putin was also speaking.

Former PM Gordon Brown was paid more than £120,000 for appearing at a four-hour conference in Russia

Former PM Gordon Brown was paid more than £120,000 for appearing at a four-hour conference in Russia

The event was jointly sponsored by the Kremlin-owned Sberbank and the country’s oldest privately owned investment bank, Troika Dialog.

Mr Brown was given £124,494, as well as expenses of £4,000 for flights and accommodation for him and staff. The details are revealed in the House of Commons Register of Members’ Interests.

It states: ‘Payment of £124,494.99 for speech to Troika Dialog and Sberbank in Moscow. Hours: 4hrs. Flights and accommodation also paid for me and my staff: value £4,018.49.’

The speech follows other appearances at high-profile events in Russia by Tony Blair and Peter Mandelson – suggesting that senior figures from the last Labour Government have maintained close links with Russia despite the UK’s frosty relations with Moscow.

Blair and Mandelson have spoken at Troika-sponsored events, but it has refused to reveal their fees. Sberbank is run by German Gref, one of Mr Putin’s closest allies and a close friend of Lord Mandelson

The Commons Register also reveals that Mr Brown was paid £61,000 for a speech to another Russian bank, Alfa, last November.

Another former Prime Minster Tony Blair (right) has also appeared at the events

Another former Prime Minster Tony Blair (right) has also appeared at the events

Since leaving office in 2010, Mr Brown, MP for Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath, has been criticised for his work in Parliament.

This year, he has tabled just seven parliamentary questions and has not taken part in a single Commons debate.

A spokesman for Mr Brown said: ‘Not a single penny from speeches nor books goes to Mr Brown personally.’

Money earned from such events was donated either direct to charities or to support ‘the charitable and public service work’ of Mr Brown and his wife Sarah.


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Champagne socialism. Don’t you just love it!

Coulde be worse for the russians they could have to listen to Cameron spouting his weak drivel

Champagne socialist !
Blair and Kinnock also spring to mind.

Being the quintessential Marxist !. you would expect nothing else from this bloke, mind you Russia is the best place for him, actually I take that back, that’s unfair to the Russian people they wouldn’t want him either ?.

If the present Tory Chancellor Dopey Osborne had half the brains of Gordon Brown when he was chancellor,Britain wouldn;t be in the MESS it’s in now.This Tory government after only 2 years in office have run the British economy into a worse state than Zimbabwe is in.Soon Britain will be in the same state as Spain.The DM will Back the Tories,even when they drop the pound for the euro,as thats Dopey Daves next move.Like Thatcher whatever it takes the Tories will Back the EU.

Plenty of the Left Wing have been taking money from Russia for years so why the surprise at Brown doing it. At least his does not directly lead back to Lubyanka Square.

The Saviour of the World is simply keeping an eye on Russia`s economy.

If he didn’t take 1 penny of the cash why does he have to declare anything in the register of members interest other than the free flights and accommodation?

at last he surfaces – could it be he went to his ‘real masters’ for his reward for destroying the UK economy… Order of Lennin for McRed……

I suspect these financiers hired him so they could learn how he destoryed the UK economy so they could avoid doing the same to Russia.

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