Greece makes last-ditch bid to form govt.

The president’s office said in a statement Saturday that he “will summon party leaders in a bid to form a government that will enjoy the backing of the parliamentary body that emerged from general elections on May 6.”

Papoulias will hold the meeting on Sunday with the leaders of the conservative, radical left and socialist parties, which took the top three places in last weekend’s polls but who all failed to build a coalition this week.

The president will later meet separately with heads of smaller parties elected to parliament, the statement said.

This comes two days after socialist PASOK party chief Evangelos Venizelos announced Friday that the Radical Left (SYRIZA) coalition had refused to join a pro-austerity coalition with the socialists and conservatives

Greece has plunged into political turmoil since last week’s inconclusive elections. Voters angry at harsh austerity measures gave no party enough parliamentary seats to form a government.

The political impasse must be overcome by Thursday or new elections will have to be called next month.

The outgoing coalition government has adopted the spending cuts in order to secure emergency bailout funding from the International Monetary Fund and the European Union.

EU leaders have warned that the crisis could lead to Greece defaulting on its debt and being forced out of the eurozone.


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