Greg Felton: Activists Who Talk Like Zionists Continue to Betray Palestine

Monday, 23 April 2012 07:02


‘For some time now, I have been trying to get in touch with Ali Abunimah to ask him to explain his denunciation of Gilad Atzmon. I am used to Palestinian activists, Arab or non-Arab, attacking each other over this or that political or doctrinal difference, but this attack is worse than most.

Abunimah has been in the forefront of the anti-Zionist movement for years, and over that time has built a considerable reputation. His website,, is still an outstanding source for non-zionist (read: uncensored) news about the Occupation. Consequently, his denunciation of Atzmon was guaranteed to be influential and reach a large audience, thereby maximizing the potential damage to Atzmon’s reputation and scholarship.’

Read more: Greg Felton: Activists Who Talk Like Zionists Continue to Betray Palestine

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