Happy Enslavement Day

Thomas DiLorenzo
April 17, 2012

Today is “tax day,” the first of which in American history was the work of — you guessed it — Dishonest Abe in 1862. It was The Great Railroad Lobbyist/Protectionist/Inflationist/Corporate Welfare Statist/Warmonger president who gave us the first “progressive” income tax.

Lincoln’s chief tax collector, David A. Wells (head of the U.S. Revenue Commission) expressed the basic theme of governmental plunder through income taxation (which was not permitted by the Constitution at the time) when he said: “Wherever you find an article, a product, a trade, a profession, or a source of income, tax it!”

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39 Responses to “Happy Enslavement Day”

  1. Acquiring revenue through ‘taxation’ in America

    If you have ever felt that something was very out of place, ethically, and perhaps even individually disheartening about being forced to surrender vast sums of your hard earned (sustenance-based) remuneration to the federal government in the form of ‘income taxes’ year, after year, after year, simply because you have opted to be an active, productive, and responsible member of society, by way of your efforts in earning a common livelihood -and as well as to all of those interested tax-buffs out there; attached is a newly revised and freely distributable circular entitled the “Crux on Federal ‘Taxation’” (CFT).

    The CFT is intended to serve as a primer for individuals to develop a learned understanding of and renewed appreciation toward our rapidly fading American heritage and birthright.

    The CFT, as well serves to provide -you- the reader with enlightening contextual truth in regard to the federal governments actual powers of taxation.

    The CFT is available for your consumption at:

    Thank you.

    “Points in Further Support of the CFT” (downloadable PDF): iwarrior.defendindependence.us/download/file.php?id=94

    Please, be sure to consider voting for Representative Ron Paul, MD (R-TX) in 2012.

  2. Oh my goodness! Is today Enslavement Day?? I’m missing it!!
    What do I do? Where do I apply for a permit? I’m not up to date on my vaccines!
    HELP! HELP!!

  3. This is to the censorship person who has deleted my posts under the name Gamaliel.

    Please restore all the posts you have removed, immediately.

    Alex Jones claims he KNOWS there is a God. Alex claims that it is BECAUSE of his belief in God that he can risk his life trying to warn others against great destruction.

    I believe Jesus has sent me a warning about Pittsburgh.

    I am only doing EXACTLY what ALEX is doing! I am NOT slandering anyone or defaming anyone.

    I am quite sure if Alex Jones were aware of my posts and were to check out my videos regarding the possible destruction of Pittsburgh on April 20, 2012 (“Barebones Pitt Code Proof.avi” (22 min.) and others more detailed) he would strongly agree with me that it seems Pittsburgh is under threat.

    And with this being the 17th, there are only three days left! Did you think I can warn people to infinity? There are only 3 days!

    If you read my posts carefully you will see I am trying to save YOUR life, as well as everyone who reads my posts!

    Have Alex Jones email me to be on his show. I am NOT afraid to defend my comments.

    You or anyone at Infowars can email me a phone number to call you and I’ll be happy to answer all your questions.

    Or you can just retore my posts and retore my ability to post comments under the name Gamaliel.

    While some people may be tired of my warning, please understand many have not heard it yet.
    Trust me, this is not fun trying to run around getting people to listen to a life and death situation who may not want to hear it and rebuke you for it!

    And I am only able to warn 3 more days anyway. If you get me on Alex’s show that would be wonderful so I can have a better chance of saving people. The 2.5 million people who live in Pittsburgh would thank you too!

    I will now post this to different stories so you will get this message.

    And readers, I am begging you to please express your support for my plea in comments below as soon as possible as many lives may be at stake!

    See for yourself that I am not crazy, a joker, a scammer, or a liar. Watch my video then come back here and show your support!

    Thank you for your support in this darkest hour!

  4. pay “your dues”- to the scum of the earth.

    (Without Getting In Trouble!)

    Well, it’s tax time again, boys and girls. So cough it up if you haven’t
    already! But no one says you have to go gentle into that dark night. Here
    are some hints on how to annoy the IRS if you owe them money…

    1. Always put staples in the right hand corner. Go ahead and put them down
    the whole right side. The extractors who remove the mail from the envelopes
    have to take out any staples on the right side.

    2. Never arrange paperwork in the right order, or even facing the right way.
    Put a few upside down and backwards. That way they have to remove all your
    staples, rearrange your paperwork and re-staple it (on the left side).

    3. Line the bottom of your envelope with Elmer’s glue and let it dry before
    you put in you forms, so that the automated opener doesn’t open it and the
    extractor has to open it by hand.

    4. If you’re very unfortunate and have to pay taxes, use a two or three
    party check. On top of paying with a third party check, pay one of the
    dollars you owe in cash. When an extractor receives cash, no matter how
    small an amount, s/he has to take it to a special desk and fill out of few
    nasty forms.

    5. Write a little letter of appreciation. Any letter received has to be read
    and stamped regardless of what it is or what it’s on.

    6. Write your letter on something misshapen and unconventional. Like on the
    back of a Kroger sack.

    7. When you mail it, mail it in a big envelope (even if its just a single EZ
    form). Big envelopes have to be torn and sorted differently than regular
    business size ones. An added bonus to the big envelope is that they take
    priority over other mail, so the workers can hurry up and deal with your

    8. If you send two checks, they’ll have to staple your unsightly envelope to
    your half destroyed form.

    9. Always put extra paper clips on your forms. Any foreign fasteners or the
    like have to be removed and put away.

    10. Sign your name in ink on every page. Any signature has to be verified
    and then date stamped.

    These are just a few of the fun and exciting things you can do with the IRS.
    These methods are *only* recommended when you owe money.

  6. Try paying attention. It’s not Happy Enslavement but more like Happy En-Slanting per all the crap BS reporting that appears here and in and all around this happy medium.

    Weed through it all as best you can but you’ll still come up confused, ignorant as you began, and demoralized as you did from the start. InfoWars? InfoBlitz! Good luck!!! We’re effin doomed and dumber than before. See you in the camp!

  7. All countries have laws against intrusion but all countries have intrusive taxation; tell them to be consistent, they act like you raised hell on them.

  8. Hey Feds, i stopped paying taxes, come get me…i don’t support a criminal government. PERIOD.

  9. Hello my fellow yellow Americans,

    “Ask not what a foreign banker can do for you, ask what you can do for a foreign banker?”

    Oh yeah, pay them taxes, in a roundabout way, through the IRS and INFLATION. Give them your property. Give them your Freedom.

    Phk em ALL.

    • like millions others like you and me. We stop filing taxes. we do not owe this hi jacked government anything.

  10. Kukulcan/Amaru/Moloch/Thoth =plumed serpent/feathered serpent,the same preflood Nephilim diety all over the world. In ancient Peru Moloch is called Amaru and the territory was called Amaruca/America =the land of the serpents. Jesus Christ is Lord ,letthettruthbeknown.com/planetxtube.com A(LIE)N

  11. I don’t know if any here are aware but a couple of years ago I read an irs catalog and a 1040 is for federal officers only. it didn’t say average americans, or workers or anything, federal officers. the last time I checked I never ran for office or got hired as a federal employee. does anyone here remember such a thing? so why are they telling americans to file the 1040″?

    are they saying they consider us federal employees and if such that is why they are trampling over our rights because federal employees lay down their rights at the door? so when they say in the 1040 you check mark employee (do they mean your claiming to be a fed?) and not employee in the sense of working for a company or self employement?

    so are they using deception and fraud in this case? I am inclined to beleive such is the case.


    • They are not telling Americans to file. They are telling US citizens to file.

      For example: upon application of a voter registration card (among others), one claims (under penalty of perjury) to be a US citizen, henceforth one is treated as such.

      Good idea to have several editions (second, third, fourth) of Black’s Law dictionary (on hand or available) to understand the meaning of the words these deceivers use to defraud the People. Most words in law have several different meanings.

      Understanding the problem, however, does not necessarily equate a solution. Ultimately, the uninformed juries of US citizens (which are not the peers of Americans) will tho yo butt in de hoosegow as they are told to.

      Constitution? What Constitution?

    • I know some people that have not payed one cent of income tax in the past 15 or more years. They have owned there own company and made over $85,000 or more in profit each year. They told me the 1040 form is a contract that you sign to the government and the is a binding contract. You don’t sign the contract you don’t own money. There is no law to pay income tax.

      • It is probable the people you refer own a private company and not a corporation.

        The key term here is the use of the words “income” and “profit.” If one is not a corporation and makes no income, one pays no income tax.

        Since the beginning of this country, and until only recently, corporations have been viewed as undesirable, had no rights, and must at least pay a profit tax.

        For example: “income” by definition, is corporate profit. Most people do not make corporate profit, yet they claim to have income, and somewhere along the line enter into a contract with IRS stating that they are a corporation. Quite naturally, they must then abide by the agreement and file and claim profit and pay the tax on it.

        “US citizen” and or “person” also fall within the definitions of a corporation.

  12. “Wherever you find an article, a product, a trade, a profession, or a source of income, tax it!”

    What about Robin Hood?

  13. The Buffett rule dies in the Senate. When I get rich I don’t want to pay a bunch of money in taxes. What the hell am I working for anyway?

    • Work for Christ! Link up with Jesus by clicking ‘ericnueman’

  14. I have not filed or payed even a dime to the feds in 7 years, screw them. Stop funding you enslavement. The more money they have to print the quicker they will go down. You say but they will come for me or seize my bank accounts. If you do not have money in the bank and have it partially in gold and silver you will be just fine. Have you guns ready to kill IRS and foreclosure agents. They will be coming for you houses soon by jacking the property taxes so high you will not be able to afford to live there even if you payed off you house.

  15. I look at the front cover of the 1040 tax instructions, and what do you know, there is a picture of the US constitution! HAHAHA! I get swindled for at least $1,000 a year! Its UNCONSTITUTIONAL!

    • The Constituton is window dressing, a memorandum, a forgotten prize and cannot replace the principles which are eternal… The Bible!

    • Just try to bring that constitution into an IRS court and see what they tell ya. Haw!

  16. The government is a welfare state people get trapped in. You are free to think outside the box and crawl out of it. Just don’t think to loud or you become a enemy of the state. Everybody is somebodies slave because that’s the way the system was designed. There is a reason why we have the internet. Use it to your advantage rather then just another grudge to lean on.

    • Only by clicking my name ericnueman can U find strength in Jesus for today to manage this complex situation we all find ourselves in!

      • Lol. Life is simple as hell its people who make it hard for themselves. Its not me who is lost and needs saving its you. I’m just fine and the world is exactly what was to be expected. There is only the mother, the father and the child against the elements. man created God and man can do anything he decides to do and sets his mind to it. Sorry Christians but we already did religion and know exactly how its played and how its gonna end. Let people be creative and start a new game. many people already have. get on board because you cant stop the future from happening and no one has control over it. You just got to take a chance on it.

  17. Correction – it wasn’t an income tax, but an ‘income duty’ on imports.

  18. “TAX IT!”


    WOO HOO!!!!!!

  19. I hope Lincoln’s chief tax collector, David A. Wells is burning in hell!

    • I’ve heard that name before. I’ll bet that he was illuminati and friends with
      Albert Pike.

    • There again, God is not a monster to have people burning in Hades! There are differing levels of
      Hades… There is hope of getting out of prison, hope of reprieve! I believe a sincere Christian has power in prayer for people to come up out of Hell who are changed and ready having leqarned their lessons sufficiently! I believe Heaven is full of people who made big mistakes but were released to be forgive by Jesus by simply crying out to Him in their hour of need, and they received a pardon and a way to enter into the Heavenly realm again!

      • Some of what you’re saying is true, there are different levels in hell; different degrees of punishment. But a person is forever sealed in the condition in which they died. It is on THIS side of eternity that a person makes their choice where they will end up. If hell were not real, and if it were not a permanent place, then Jesus would not have had to suffer – people could have hope of getting out on their own, or their relatives’ efforts. Nowhere in the Bible is the idea of “purgatory” put forth – it’s just not there. Those ideas of people being able to buy their way out of hell is a roman catholic way of raising money, and giving people false hope.

        You’re right, God is NOT a monster. He came to earth in human form and paid the penalty for our sins HIMSELF. All it requires is that we accept that free gift, though it cost God everything. If there were no urgency, if people could burn off their sins and escape hell, then why does the Bible say “If TODAY you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts; behold NOW is the accepted time; TODAY is the day of salvation.” A person can get saved on their death bed, just like one of the two thieves being crucified on either side of Jesus. One asked Jesus to remember him when He came into His kingdom. You never hear another word about the other. Giving people the impression they can toy with sin all their lives and then somehow escape at the end is just wrong. One doesn’t know when the end of their life will be, nor the condition of their mind or brain at that point. Death often comes without a chance to repent. An accident, an illness that leaves someone in a coma or even an anger directed at God in terrible circumstances would nullify that death-bed opportunity.

        Heaven and hell are everlasting. If God didn’t mean forever, He would NOT have said forever.

        • 4 days in hell is perceived as 9000 YEARS!!!!

        • @ dragster… Then people shouldn’t send themselves there. Free will.

  20. New simplified tax form:

    1. How much did you make last year?
    2. Send it in.

    • well for those those who are or will soon be unemployed and make SHITE each year they will have a lot of fun sending it in….

  21. Want to show there true colors?
    It’;s actually easy too do, see who Starts it,
    On these new Hot days, Walk up to a cop, make sure they are the ones with a mad face
    (You know the types) get your camera out, and offer them a bottle water.
    watch there reactions;
    I just bet they would still give you a hard time and act like big tuff guys.
    just watch, then right there, that should tell you something.

    • And if that reaction you get still won’t wake you up?
      then i can’t help you.

      see you in hell

  22. From Reagan, “We don’t have a trillion-dollar debt because we haven’t taxed enough; we have a trillion-dollar debt because we spend too much.” “If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” Attributed, “The best minds are not in government. If any were, business would hire them away.”

    • They did hire them away, and told them to stay there and be a traitor.

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