‘Healthcare stops US socio-economically’

“The US is considered worldwide to be a leader in the Western world. Why is it the only industrialized Western nation that hasn’t been able to implement a single pair universal healthcare system?” Roman Suver from Council on Hemispheric Affairs told Press TV.

The US Supreme Court is still months away from deciding if President Barack Obama’s reform law is unconstitutional after legal challenges that have left the country divided.

New studies also show that the disparity over healthcare may be widening.

According to the Commonwealth Fund, one in every four working-age Americans did not have healthcare benefits and went without insurance at some point in 2011, often as a result of unemployment and other job changes.

Obama’s reform law aims to slim gaps in health insurance beginning in 2014. It would extend the coverage to more than 30 million uninsured Americans.

Obama’s law could be struck down by the Supreme Court before June. If not, the law also faces resistance from the Republicans who are using the law as political fodder for the 2012 election campaign.


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