Heavy blast hits Syrian capital

The blast targeted the Abu-Habl area in the Midan district on Tuesday.

Meanwhile, the exchange of fire and heavy clashes between the Syrian forces and armed rebels in several parts of the capital were also reported.

The Midan district and other southern regions of the capital have been the scene of violence for the past days.

Armed group fighting against the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad have intensified their attacks around the capital, forcing thousands of civilians to flee their homes.

The heavy fighting in Damascus suburbs broke out on Sunday and the violence spread to several southern neighborhoods, including Midan, Tadamon and Zahera, on Monday.

The Syrian forces have also clashed with terrorists in several other cities, including Idlib and Aleppo, causing heavy losses to anti-government groups.

Syria has been the scene of deadly unrest since mid-March 2011 and many people, including large numbers of army and security personnel, have been killed in the violence.

The West and the Syrian opposition accuse the government of killing protesters. But Damascus blames ”outlaws, saboteurs and armed terrorist groups” for the unrest, insisting that it is being orchestrated from abroad.


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