‘Holland’s Next Top Model’ wins £50,000 lawsuit

A former winner of Holland’s version of ‘Next Top Model’ has won a £54,000 lawsuit against an agency after she was dropped for having hips they claimed were too large

07 March 2012

The model and agency parted ways in September and Ananda Marchildon is now a carpenter

The model and agency parted ways in September and Ananda Marchildon is now a carpenter
Photo: AP

A former winner of the television show ”


Next Top Model” has won a lawsuit against Elite models after she was dropped for having hips the agency claimed were too large.

The Amsterdam District Court has ruled that Ananda Marchildon, now 25, was entitled to the main prize she won in the 2008 production ‘Holland’s Next Top Model’, a 3-year contract worth 75,000 euros.

Miss Marchildon argued she was dismissed after only 10,000 euros worth of work because she did not lose enough weight to please the Elite modelling agency.

According to the ruling, though Marchildon had gained weight since getting the contract, she had a hip measurement of about 36.2 inches when she won, and Elite could not demand that she go down to about 35.4 inches. At a US size 2, that is smaller than the average woman’s but not unusual in the modeling world.

Elite spokesman Rita Camelli in Milan, Italy, said the agency was considering its options.

“Of course we are pretty disappointed” in the ruling, she said. “We felt we were in the right.”

Camelli declined to discuss details of Elite’s position.

The published ruling included an email exchange between the 5 foot, 11 inch model and a representative of Elite in the Netherlands whose name was redacted.

“We agreed that you would come by us every two weeks for an evaluation, how it’s going with your diet and exercise and losing weight. We’re going to keep measuring you,” the Elite representative wrote.

“Today, March 23 2010, we measured your hips at 98 centimeters. This is a reminder! The goal is that you have a hip circumference of no more than 90 centimeters at the end of June.”

Miss Marchildon responded that she would regain her former shape, and not more. “If at the end of the road it appears that unfortunately not enough assignments have come in, that doesn’t change the obligations of the contract,” she wrote.

The model and agency parted ways in September and Miss Marchildon is now a carpenter. The court awarded her around 65,000 euros in damages, plus interest and legal fees.

The fashion industry has often faced criticism for creating unrealistic expectations about women’s bodies and forcing models to undergo harmful diets.

Agencies say that they respond to the demands of clients, and ultimately customers: a model that doesn’t look right won’t get work.

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