Homeland Security Feared ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Violence

The DHS has reinvented itself as a secret police unit to spy on political activists

Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Department of Homeland Security feared that the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations would turn violent during their height last year, according to a leaked document obtained by Rolling Stone Magazine.

Whether you support the goals of Occupy Wall Street or not, this is yet another example of how the federal agency, which was created under the auspices of protecting the United States from terrorist attacks, is primarily concerned with keeping tabs on citizens who express their First Amendment rights.

“The five-page report – contained in 5 million newly leaked documents examined by Rolling Stone in an investigative partnership with WikiLeaks – goes on to sum up the history of Occupy Wall Street and assess its “impact” on everything from financial services to government facilities,” writes Michael Hastings.

The document also details how much of DHS’ information was obtained through monitoring Twitter feeds from OWS activists, underscoring once again the fact that the federal agency is spying on social media as part of a chilling effect on free speech, belying claims made earlier this month by DHS representatives that the agency is only concerned with messages relating to natural disasters.

Homeland Security’s fear that the demonstrations could lead to violence is summarized in the final paragraph of the document.

“The growing support for the OWS movement has expanded the protests’ impact and increased the potential for violence. While the peaceful nature of the protests has served so far to mitigate their impact, larger numbers and support from groups such as Anonymous substantially increase the risk for potential incidents and enhance the potential security risk to critical infrastructure (CI).”

Not only did Homeland Security monitor the development of Occupy Wall Street demonstrations, many of the raids on OWS camps across the country were “coordinated with help from Homeland Security,” according to a Justice Department official.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

In addition, the Federal Protective Service, a component of the DHS that is tasked with providing security for government buildings, arrested photographers at Portland’s Terry Shrunk Plaza during an ‘Occupy’ event, illustrating how the FPS is now operating as Homeland Security’s secret police unit. Since 2006, the FPS has been used to spy on dozens of peaceful advocacy groups and monitor scores of lawful protests and political rallies in the name of national security. In 2004, the FPS arrested a veteran for the crime of complaining to his local VA office in Des Moines.

As part of its broadening mandate to crack down on free speech, the DHS is also targeting activists from the other side of the political spectrum.

In one case, the DHS hired a private Israeli security firm to spy on anti-tax protesters in Pennsylvania, characterizing the group as a terror threat.

Given the fact that the DHS has reinvented itself as a secret police force whose primary objective is to spy on political activism, it’s unsurprising that Egypt’s notorious state security service, complicit in the imprisonment and torture of anti-regime activists, last year decided to re-brand itself as “homeland security”.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

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52 Responses to “Homeland Security Feared ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Violence”

  1. Occupy is an corporate organization look it up. Once people understand the revolution will not be televised, you’ll know

  2. Please deliver the ongoing flash communications flood messages relay to all local tyrant controlled fraudulent governments and their fake news station accomplices with this or similar message… . . . … We the local to worldwide majority formed consensus reality only recognize all past and present tyrants and tyranny as physical proof of continuing cruel government,voter,news reporting,elections,corporate,and hiring fraud which will no longer be tolerated… . . . … Because you refuse to be practicing Active Duty and Veterans for Peace,Oath Keepers,Law Enforcement Against Prohibition,and related sane ,recognized government,you choose to be cruel frauds from the NWO fast and furious,inslaw racket and are ordered to immediately completely surrender your weapons , posts and be permanently removed from power and access to victims… . . . … The tyrants surrender is to coincide with the immediate freeing and full pardons for all political prisoners (railroaded abuse victims abducted by the tyrants) with a permanent local to worldwide ban on tyrants and tyranny to foster healing from the trauma caused by the failed removed tyrants. Serial mass murderers are supposed to be in prison or dead not in power with access to victims so stop brainwashing children and the weak minded that such mentally ill cruel double standards are acceptable because it is not !

  3. They should be more afraid of their indictments, trials and sentencing that are a given. It’s just a matter of time that the lower hanging fruit will be charged with high crimes and treason as justice makes its way up the tree of tyranny. The Harvest is coming … even for those ‘green shoots’ on the tippy top branches. Tiny Tim Geithner and others are already throwing others under the bus, as they know this is coming, as all of us can feel it.

    Have a great day.

  4. I suggest DHS does not attend any sort of rally if they feel scared, and rightfully so. If they don’t show up, there won’t be any issues. problem solved.

  5. Bottom line…….. is DHS manufactures Terror to justify their existence.

    Which makes them Terrorists.

    Mainstream Media is the primary mouth peace for Fear mongering and war propaganda……which MAKES THEM TERRORISTS!

  6. All Peaceable Protest must have Agendas approved by Congress and A real Representative from your State with A Constitutional Law firm behind You! Procedure will do.

    If not, chanting, throwing Rocks and disrespect of Americans doing business is Joseph Stalin’s dream Come true.your Rigged rich Kid attitudes are Screwing OWS real Meaning . The Left are of pure Communist Who hate America and Sucking off Tax payers money, Grants and Student Loans Guaranteed by the FDIC but You who borrowed are still on the hook and it should be.

    You fell for The False sense of security your Academically failed Parents and Professor’s Teach Lies and False truths. Re writing History and religion. At Harvard,Columbia and all The Left wing Take over schools of UN relentless cost Increases bog down Local and State governments,All Skimming off the top and creating the Classes we have been brainwashed over the years to believe in.
    The jobs Are out There Pussies drive a truck learn to be a Machinist Weld learn a Back up trade a degree is not a guarantee.

    If You are a real patriot join the military and learn a real trade and it will help you. Do not listen to all the doom and gloom on this web site. We have an Economy.Ask Alex Jones this, can he Continue to broad cast if all his Sponsors went under? and no more Consumer(You and Me) stop spending? NO!

    If All hell is coming it will, Then do something all the Drum beating ,Chanting is of a Commie design. But we have become so dependent it is Petty full at Least the Rag heads have the guts but Violence has failed.

    When John Wayne did a remake of the Alamo it was in Answer to Cynicism in America and against why we fight to keep dictatorship and tearanny to take down America!

    Vietnam was a Righteous War. YOU Long Haired Commies did not think so and over 3 million Helpless UN Armed Vie ts, Laos and Cambodian’s SLAUGHTERED SO KISS MY ASS AND CRY SOME MORE.

    The Quit and run Attitude was the Signal for Fascist and Communistic Ideals to thrive and continue.Joe McCarthy was Wright! Patton was Wright MacArthur was Wright and Lemay
    Was Correct ! The 49 Articles of Communism read it some times

    • “join the military and learn a real trade”… well I did join the military (Marines), i learned to airlift various cargo via helicopter yet I cant apply for a job doing that because…. 1: i’m a bonified terror threat as a returning vet from Iraq, 2: no jobs are hiring people with that “trade” experience, 3: I’m actively discriminated against BECAUSE i’m a returning “sandbox” vet… so howd did me joining the military help me?

      I learned how to kill stupid f*cks like you with ease.

    • Yer Crackin.

  7. they truly are the brownshirts… right here in america.

  8. OWS and ourselves are all we have to revolt against this continuous corruption. Look at Greece. they don’t need an ows, they have the balls to protest in the streets all by themselves…
    At least they have the balls we lack.
    OWS needs to ramp up and protect and arm themselves.
    Revolutions are never peaceful.
    This needs to be done…now!

    • You are a lemming bought and paid for by Soros. OWS is nothing but useful idiots and twenty something turds looking for free money. Most of them are clueless assholes who regurgitate the Marxist talking points they were force fed by their professors. They could care less about the constitution.

  9. ****** “AMERICA IS UNDER ATTACK!” ****** Ver 6

    United States of America is under attack you know,
    By corrupt Globalists who are running the “SHOW”,
    They want to own the world and control your life,
    And care not about you suffering lots of strife.

    Who are those demonic moron Globalists you ask?,
    They’re the Banksters, Politicians and Presidents,
    They own the Corporations and RIG the Media you know.
    To control what you see, hear and how your children grow.

    They are planning for a “New World Order” Domination,
    That includes criminal ways for mass De-population,
    Like staging false flag attacks to pay their war machines,
    Like poisoning air, food, water and by deadly Vaccines.

    Ask Obama why he doesn’t stop the tyranny,
    Why on New Years Eve he signed the NDAA,
    Why he cares not to help the hurting people,
    ‘Cause he’s a “PUPPET” and the people are sheeple!

    The Bill of Rights are being trashed by engineered tyrannys,
    Americans must unify to get back their Civil Liberties,
    The Military pledged to protect “The Land of the Free”,
    And to fight invasion by a Foreign or “DOMESTIC ENEMY”!

    Our Military should arrest the President and Politicians,
    For breaking their Oaths to uphold the Constitution,
    Failure to do so will guarantee an end to Democracy,
    With No Rights or Free Will, like death is permanently.

    So wake up America and break out of your trance,
    And get serious against the present circumstance,
    Go hound your State Senators and the President,
    So Restoration of the Constitution has a good chance!

    Poem 5, Ver 6
    Feb 28, 2012

    • ANYONE INTERESTED IN DOING A YouTube VIDEO with the song
      “RENEGADES” by Steve Vaus AND displaying the text of my poem: ?
      How about “Key Word” title ideas to capture more Viewers?

  10. I am just itching 2 have a cyber fight.All those warriors at their keyboards ready 2 do battle at the stroke of a key!2 bad physical battle is not so harmless!A fight 4 ur life in real world terms is not so easy.I hope that u r ready and able 2 back up what u believe in when UR time comes.It is not going 2 b so easy has typing!!!

  11. “Whether you support the goals of Occupy Wall Street or not….”

    Newsflash sheeple, the goals of OWS are the same as DHS. They are one in the same. A grandiose play is being performed across our country, any too many of you have been duped. They (Soros/Obama/leftist academia/hollyweird/globlalists/bankers) want you to either sympathize with the guy shitting on the cop car, or the cop beating the useful idiot who just took the dump.

    Some folks on this site like to throw around the term left-right paradigm, but are oblivious when it is staring them right in the face. You gullible people let our guard down and fell for the OWS BS. You saw this as the beginning of a revolution. It’s just another act in the play.

    • But I suppose your opinion of this doesn’t extend to Tea Party rallies?

    • What an asshole you are.
      Guess you have no idea what the signs read that ows people carry?
      Were u there in the 60′s when America had the guts rally on DC to end the Vietnam War?
      If u are ok with the way things are in this corrupt country, you need to go back to sleep.

      • And lying in bed with those guilty of the corruption is your idea of changing things? Looks like YOU are the asshole.

  12. They’re just making sure they still have complete control of the OWS movement and its message. It was a counter intelligence program from day 1.

    • I know it is just propaganda,On the other hand, they have a reason 2 b afraid….

  13. Every Person here should spread the word. Sprint, Telus, and many others are trying desperately to phase out the Mike Phone. You know the phone contractors used to two way each other. I have had one for years and I have found no matter how they try they can not monitor what is said on them. Therefore the reason they are phasing them out. You need to take your cell phone and change it over to a Mike phone. You still have a cell phone with the added feature you can contract anyone who has one via a walkie talkie method direct between you and anyone who has one. You still have all the bells and whistles just not as fancy. If we all started getting these again they would be forced to issue nicer and more updated models. Still a good idea to have as it is like a Satelite phone. They have Black Berries for these phones as well. What ever you do switch and keep an open line OPEN and Free from invasive intrusion. Don’t let this be lost. Switch now.

    • ANY radio x-mission can be monitored. Simple as that. Some are a little tougher than others..

  14. Here’s my theory. The ows and the obama administration are in this together. As a safety net for ass kisser in cheif, when nov rolls around and it looks like he is going to lose his free ride, the protesters will kick it in high gear, create mass chaos, obama will then call for martial law, call out the military and suspending the elections all the while securing his less than noble dream of becoming the DICKtator he always wanted to be.

    Stock up now on all items needed to protect yourselves from this terrorist called barry. Food, water building supplies, personal hygiene supies, weapons and plenty of ammo to enact your constitutional rights. WE THE PEOPLE are the only ones that Who can actually do anything about this daily assault by these called elites, SCUM for short. The u s gov has been breached by domestic terrorists and they won’t stop until WE THE PEOPLE stand up and put a stop to it.

    • Why would ows have anything to do with obama?
      So far, under his term, things have gotten worse.
      U know zippo…

  15. Really ? Do you think those guy’s get all dressed up for nothing. They think there is two side’s to be on, an they are on the right side kicking ass on whitey. They go home at night and think how great they think they are. Sleep well.

  16. It wasn’t violence DHS feared. It was a political challenge to Obama and the Clintonistas emerging on the left.

    So they used tax funded goons to subvert a potential challenge and using their own violence.

  17. They’re just playing a counter psy mind game , to subconsciously remind you to stock
    up on your ” Depends ” supply , ’cause things might get messy …

    P.S. How can one be scared if he doesn’t give a shit ?!?

    • Eveyrtime I hear the word ”HOMELAND”….I think of the word ”REICHSTAG”….De Fuher would have a tear in his eye today.

    • 4 your loved ones,I do not care about me,but I love my children,and all the children!Sad 2 b living in such times…

      • Listen Up Your Response it is what they want to read here, and out of Americans mouths On Your knees begging not to be whipped, gagged or forced UN Lawfully against your free will!

        I have my weapons ready,Cleaned and oiled and loaded! I believe in Jesus Christ and His righteous Love, and The Power of Prayer so get to praying if you Believe, he will be the Last Warrior to slay those who want to defame his Name, Jesus God in the Flesh died for Our Sins “The Worlds only Hope.”He will be with us Even in the act of self defense.

        Be of good cheer and Keep loving The Children! You are the Meek who will Inherit the new earth that is coming!

  18. Since there were killings, deaths, rapes, theft, drug dealing, etc etc etc, I ‘d say they were 100% accurate.

    • The point is that isn’t their job, THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE WATCHING FOR TERRORIST. Not political movements. Let the locals do their jobs and the FEDS can stay in Washington where they belong.

  19. The DHS is run by authoritarian lunatics. Their paranoia causes them to project their own criminality onto the civilian population. They imagine we are like them, dishonorable, violent and larcenous.

    The DHS goons use their fantasies about domestic terrorism to justify abusing us and even murdering us. As a result of the lunatic fringe ideas spread through “fusion centers”, police are fed paraniod nonsense to justify a combative demeanor, hair trigger and constant threat of assault against civilians.

    The DHS needs to go. The Patriot Act needs to go.

    By the grace of God, it seems our state legislatures realize the NDAA needs to go. If only this attack of common sense applied to the rest of the fascist nonsense coming from Washington DC, then our Republic would stand a chance.

    • Janet Napolitano is a hardcore, kool-aid drinking Clintonista.

      Until an EFFECTIVE political challenge can be launched from WITHIN THE POLITICAL LEFT, the international bankster deathcult Clintonista political gang will remain in power and at large. An upheaval similar to the one in 1974 would be needed.

      The Republicans are totally incapable of doing anything but quoting the bible and/or joining in the mayhem with the Clintonistas. The difference between the two parties have degenerated to the point where the Democrats are just a big deathsquad and the Republicans are a big deathcult.

      Distinction without a difference.

      • ….i like good girls

        • I like bad ones…

        • I LIKE THEM TOO

    • Hello,I see the Report were OZ bama is going to repeal the Provisions in the NDAA Act Hmm? To turn the tide in the election’s,bummer ? I Wonder?

      Please Sheep lHoles do not fall into the Demos sheep dip traps!

  20. The police State has been alive and well since the Townshend Acts in this country. Amerika, Love it or be black holed.

  21. Thats not all they fear….

  22. Warmongering gov fearing violence? Wtf?

    • WTF indeed.

  23. Good, I hope they all browned their pants, including Big Sis.

  24. Are you ready for FEMA camps and Soylent Green. For everybody with an X-box 360 or a computer with a web cam hooked up to the internet fulltime, smile your on candid camera.

  25. “Israeli security firm” hmmmm i’m pretty sure if i came in contact with them…… well

    • Talking Sh*t Again! You will do Nothing Is this a threat to all Jews?

  26. Lets face it. At the top the N.Y.P.D. is a branch of the federal govt. Look at the geek they are strong arming in the pic…..what did he do brandish a Blackberry?

    • @ Aude :
      I dont know if you actually know how dead nutz in the chuck you are about NYC… I do……

  27. Wasn’t that the plan. I mean throwing people face first to the ground. Pepper spraying “kettled” women. Pepper spraying college kids sitting on a sidewalk. Shoving baseball bat style billy clubs into protesters stomachs while they are pressed up against a wall with nowhere to go. Launching tear gas canisters directly at protesters. Throwing flash bangs directly at protesters.

    We can go on and on.

    DHS and the police were doing everything they could to get the protesters to fight back. It was DHS who apparently coordinated city leaders and police around the country asking them to tear down encampments and throw the protesters out of the areas they were “occupying”. You can bet that had the protesters fought back, DHS and the police would have gone after them with everything they’ve got.

    I bet that’s what we will see this spring and summer.

    They are all a bunch of liars! All of them!

    Politicians are the extremists!

    • DHS would just love for the controlled media to show cops beating the shit out of some young OWS dupe wearing and Obama campaign t-shirt or button.

      They know the public too stupid the recognize THAT form of false flag attack when they see it.

      • Demanding bigger govt, while disturbing the peace.

        “…as they did not like to retain God in [their] knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient…”
        – from Romans 1

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