Homs activist: Where is the UN? Where is America?

As smoke is seen rising from a building behind him following another
explosion, he continues: “That was another rocket that landed over
there. See this is happening every day. Where is the UN.? Where is the
humanity? Where is America? Isn’t America supposed to defend humanity? Isn’t
the UN supposed to defend humanity? Are we animals dying here? Are we
supposed to live like this our whole lives?”

Later, Mr Abdul Dayem is seen inside a home with five children. Two have their
heads bandaged, with one child appearing to wear heavily bloodstained

“Look at these children. Is this how the Assad regime is supposed to
treat our children?” the activisit says pointing at the group.

“Now you see that the Assad regime is killing children. What is the UN
going to do about this? Nothing! They are going to sit and discuss and see
if they can do this peacefully – they want to solve it peacefully with this

Activist group Human Rights Watch claim that President Bashar al-Assad’s
forces “have fired hundreds of shells and mortars into populated
neighbourhoods”, killing at least 300 people in Homs since 3 February.

On Friday, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights claimed that tanks
begun storming the flashpoint city as soldiers loyal to the Assad’s regime
reportedly launch a house-to-house sweep of the area to crush opponents.

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