How to Take ‘Sports Illustrated’-Worthy Instagram Shots

Mashable brought you the news on Tuesday night that legendary magazine Sports Illustrated is featuring Instagram photos in this week’s issue for the first time in its history.

Now Brad Mangin, the photographer who made the images, used a Wednesday post to his personal blog to share some secrets on how he created SI-worthy Instagrams.

Mangin writes that he got an iPhone 4S last December, and “immediately fell in love with the special effects and social networking aspects of working with Instagram.” He began shooting ballplayers in February during spring training, continuing to snap away with his iPhone with a fresh dose of enthusiasm for sports photography. Eighteen of the shots from that period make up the six-page spread in the Leading Off section of this week’s magazine (those are two of the pages, above).

So, besides his phone and of course Instagram, what else did Mangin used to create the groundbreaking shots? In his blog post, he lists the Camera+, Dynamic Light and Snapseed apps as well as the archiving tool PhotoShelter.

SEE ALSO: Instagram Hits Sports Illustrated’s Hallowed Pages [EXCLUSIVE]

Mangin writes that all of his images were shot with the phone, then traveled through some of the apps listed above before making it to Instagram for final touches and social sharing. Then he used PhotoShelter to store the pictures and let editors check them out.

According to Mangin, Lo-fi and Earlybird are his preferred Instagram filters depending on what kind of look he wants. Dynamic Light, he writes, is great for adding color and touching up skies, while Snapseed helps with toning and converting images to black and white.

Check out Mangin’s full blog post for more, as well as how he worked with an editor to make Sports Illustrated history.

Do you think images filtered through Instagram and other apps have a place in print journalism? Share your opinion in the comments.

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