‘HR bodies must heed Israeli crimes’

“Oppressed Palestinian prisoners have launched an intifada of hunger strikes due to the inhumane and brutal pressure by the Zionist regime (Israel),” said Larijani during an open session of the Majlis on Sunday.

He expressed the Majlis’ support for the Palestinian strikers and added that international human rights bodies had better pay at least some little attention to Israel’s crimes so their fake gesture of advocating human rights finds some manifestation, IRNA reported.

About 1,500 to 2,500 Palestinian prisoners began an open-ended hunger strike on April 17, the Palestinian Prisoners Day, in Israeli prisons to protest against Israel’s administrative detention rules, use of solitary confinement, denial of family visits, and maltreatment of sick detainees, according to the rights group.

According to the Palestinian Council of Human Rights Organizations, the Israeli Prison Service has collectively punished hunger strikers by denying them family visits, conducting cell and body searches, subjecting them to isolation, fines, and the confiscation of personal belongings.

The Iranian Majlis speaker also pointed to the popular uprisings in Egypt and Bahrain and said, “The US and some of its allies in the region apparently have not yet become aware that revolutions have taken place in the region.”

Larijani added that Iranian lawmakers support the popular uprisings of the Egyptian and Bahraini people.


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