Huffington Post Presents ‘Eight Ways For Tiger To Pick Up Girls’ at U.S. Open

Noel Sheppard's picture

Golf’s U.S. Open is considered the sport’s premier family event as it historically concludes on Father’s Day.

To “celebrate” this, the Huffington Post currently has a headline on its front page that reads “Eight Ways For Tiger To Pick Up Girls While He’s Here” (photo courtesy AP).

The “here” of course is San Francisco, as this year’s Open is being played at that city’s famed Olympic Club.

Once inside the article, the golf star who infamously destroyed his family and lost his wife as a result of philandering was offered a number of Bay Area night spots to “pick up girls.”

Notice it’s not advice how he can meet a future bride to potentially assist him in raising his children. Why do that before Father’s Day?

No, this was all about meaningless one night stands with strangers as typified by the first offering called Bar None where “Tiger can impress the ladies with all the beer pong skills he learned at Stanford. U.S. News World Report rated Stanford’s Beer Pong program as one of the best in the county.”

The next place is simply called Bootie: “No one goes home from Bootie, the DNA’s Lounge’s legendary mash-up night, alone. Ever.”

Then there’s Sam’s Anchor Cafe: “The bay-front Tiburon is legendarily packed with cougars. Tiger and cougars at Sam’s, oh my.”

Don’t they sound like places Charlie and Sam, Tiger’s three and four-year-old kids, would love their daddy to be hanging out in on Father’s Day weekend?

I guess this is how the folks at the Huffington Post promote San Francisco, our nation’s premier golf tournament, and Father’s Day – a primer for one of America’s top philanderer/athletes to “pick up girls.”

Makes you want to buy something special for Pop, doesn’t it?

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