Human rights law: Judges defy UK bid to overhaul European Court

Jack Doyle

17:44 EST, 19 April 2012


17:44 EST, 19 April 2012

Justice Secretary Ken Clarke had his proposal rejected

Justice Secretary Ken Clarke had his proposal rejected

Britain’s attempts to make radical changes to the European Court of Human Rights were in tatters last night after experts said they amounted to little more than ‘tinkering’.

Justice Secretary Ken Clarke insisted he had secured a ‘substantial package of reform’ that would mean fewer cases went before the court in Strasbourg and British judges would be left to decide outcomes more often. 

But he was undermined by Sir Nicolas Bratza, the British judge who heads the Strasbourg court, who said proposals to rein it in significantly had been removed.

Instead, he said the court needed more money to get through its backlog of tens of thousands of cases.

And a human rights expert said the British-led changes, made at a conference of 47 member nations of the European Council in Brighton yesterday, amounted to little more than ‘tinkering’.

The apparent failure will lead to more calls for Britain to withdraw from the ECHR entirely.

Ministers were determined to limit the court’s powers significantly, to give British law-makers and courts more influence over cases within our borders.

Demands for the ECHR to be put back in its place were made following a series of controversial rulings seen as Strasbourg meddling too much in domestic affairs.

The ECHR is demanding Britain give the vote to tens of thousands of prisoners, including murderers and rapists, regardless of the offence they have committed. It is threatening to award compensation  in thousands of cases if the law is  not changed.

There has also been fury over the ECHR blocking the removal of dangerous terrorists such as Abu Qatada and  foreign criminals.

In a speech in January, David Cameron said the ECHR was undermining its own reputation by overturning judgments decided in British courts.

Border Agency staff arrive to collect Abu Qatada - one of whom appears to have his possessions in a black bin liner - before he is escorted out of the house in north west London and taken away in a car

Border Agency staff arrive to collect Abu Qatada – one of whom appears to have his possessions in a black bin liner – before he is escorted out of the house in north west London and taken away in a car

He also said it was in danger of being ‘swamped’ by low-level, unimportant cases, and insisted he would secure reforms at the Brighton conference.

But yesterday, speaking just moments after Mr Clarke opened the conference, Sir Nicolas, 67, railed against the 47 member states of the court for trying to ‘dictate’ how it should operate and demanded independence for the court’s judges.

Explosively, he said proposed rules
on which cases the ECHR should take on  had been removed and even
thanked member states for taking them out.

He also poured scorn on Mr Clarke’s
claim to have reinforced the importance of national courts, saying those
powers were ‘already available’ to Strasbourg.

He said he was determined to protect ‘minority interests’ who bring cases to the court.


WHAT BRITAIN WANTED: A screening mechanism whereby cases would not be taken on by the court unless there was a very clear breach of the European Convention on Human Rights.

It was hoped this would mean only major violations of rights would be examined by Strasbourg and condemned, such as torture and false imprisonment.

WHAT THEY SAID: David Cameron said he wanted European judges to stop acting like a ‘small claims court’.

He cited the case of a man who wanted 90 euros compensation because his bus journey from Bucharest to Madrid had been uncomfortable.

VERDICT: Lose. This was ditched entirely.

WHAT BRITAIN WANTED: Key legal principles, that domestic courts should be given leeway to interpret the convention in the way that fits their own national culture, and that a decision on human rights cases should be taken at the lowest level possible.

These were expected to give more power to national courts and parliaments.

WHAT THEY SAID: Ken Clarke said the court should ‘have a proper regard for the way Parliament and the courts in independent states have addressed human rights issues themselves in the first place’.

VERDICT:  Score draw. These are written into the preamble to the Convention, not the document itself. 

Ministers hope this will send a message to Strasbourg that it must more consistently observe these principles, but lawyers say this may leave it toothless.

Sir Nicolas complained that human rights were ‘increasingly held responsible in certain quarters for much that is wrong in society’.

He added: ‘In order to fulfil its role the European Court must not only be independent, it must also be seen to be independent.

‘That is why we are, I have to say, uncomfortable with the idea that governments can in some way dictate to the court how its case-law should evolve or how it should carry out the judicial functions conferred upon it.’ 

Earlier he said he had ‘no sympathy’ with critics of the ECHR who call for a shift in power away from Strasbourg.

‘I think the balance is right’, he said, adding ‘no magic wand’ would emerge from the conference. 

His comments sparked fears that the Euro-judges will simply ignore the conference declaration.

Crucially, proposed changes to the European Convention on Human Rights itself were relegated to a secondary document – making them not legally enforceable.

A human rights expert, Professor Philip Leach from London Metropolitan University, also concluded Strasbourg’s remit had not ‘changed significantly’. 

British courts had not been given more power, he added, saying the changes were just ‘tinkering’.

‘There have not been significant changes about the relationship between Strasbourg and the domestic courts in the declaration I have seen,’ he said.

‘I do not think it will make much difference – I think it’s what the court does already.’

Mr Clarke denied this was the case, saying it would lead to fewer cases coming before the court.

He said: ‘These reforms represent a substantial package of reform and are a significant step towards realising the goals that the Prime Minister set out in Strasbourg.

‘Taken together, these changes should mean fewer cases being considered by the court. 

‘Those that it considers should be allegations of serious violations or major points of interpretation of the Convention and will be processed without the scandalous delays we are seeing at present. 

‘The court will not normally intervene where national courts have clearly applied the Convention properly.’

Tory MP Dominic Raab, a former Foreign Office lawyer, said: ‘It is vital that we get proper reform of the Strasbourg court, re-focusing it away from nitpicking with finely balanced judgments in mature democracies and concentrating it on the worst abuses.

‘If we don’t get a decent deal, it will fuel the fire of those calling for the UK to pull out of the European Convention altogether.’ 

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So he went to the ECHR wanting a substantial package of reform and the response of the ECHR was that THEY want a substantial package of cash.
They have made Mr Clarke look rather foolish.
As regards Ms May I thought she was making a comeback but now I’m not so sure. Was the deadline monday midnight or tuesday? Who knows?
Sir Nicholas Bratza, 67, more powerful than the whole of the British Government and giving them the runaround.

Vote UKIP and get rid of these clowns !

what on earth does it take, for you fools to stop voting for these bumbling,inept clowns,give me strength.

Good, the more set backs the better. The calls to tell Strasbourg what to do with their rulings can only get louder now! and Clarke should be put in a retirement home (at his own expense) I hear Jordan will take him.

Sir Nicolas and his fellow Judges need to be reminded that the 47 member states are not “dictating to you”, they are expressing the wishes and aspirations of the people who elected them. This is called democracy and we as a nation have fought and bled for this freedom over generations.It is we who demand independence from you and your fellow unelected judges with your over inflated egos.

You’ve given up your own British Law for European style of law, it would take more than talk to regain what you have lost.

This is very sad, UK is now under the thumb of EU. You have Blair, Gordon and the rest of leftists to thank for.


It’s ukip for me next time and anybody but the major party’s in the minor local elections – ron, Cumbria,
Agree completely Ron, can’t trust any of the big parties, they’d all sell us down the river for a few quid or a few votes.

if you break the law and are not an integrated, accepted, legal national…. You are out!
Simple…. kick them out and let them ‘appeal’ from across the water!
Don’t pay them, house them and coddle them. Kick them out and tell the Court of Human Rights that they have the right to house them in their houses and neighbourhood if they want them!

It’s ukip for me next time and anybody but the major party’s in the minor local elections

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