‘Hunger Games’ Satire Blasts Politicians, Plays With Food [VIDEO]

International relief and development organization Oxfam American has released Food Games, a Hunger Games-inspired satire video featuring a food fight between an elephant and a donkey.

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The animals irresponsibly throw around food, mimicking how Oxfam feels Congress is acting with the 2012 Farm Bill.

Oxfam’s simple message: “When kids play with food it’s cute. When Washington does, it costs lives.”

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“We want people to share the video, talk about it, and act. The goal is to use arresting images to make some real impact for the people who need it most,” says Hill Holliday creative director Lance Jensen, who created the video.

Oxfam hopes Congress will vote to increase international food aid programs, because the Farm Bill will expire later this year. Though the organization says there is enough food on the planet to feed everyone, politics are getting in the way.

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Oxfam is encouraging its supporters to target the House and Senate Agriculture committees on Twitter at @HouseAgNews and @SenateAg with links to the video. Oxfam also created an online petition, calling for food aid reform.

In addition to spreading on social media, Oxfam plans to run the video as a TV ad in the coming weeks.

Do you think the video is a powerful tool to trigger discussion? Let us know what you think in the comments.

This story originally published on Mashable here.

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