Husband refused to take wife to hospital during pregnancy scare until she made him LUNCH

  • Riasaf Ahmed kept Ruqayyah Ghani a prisoner in her own home after their 2006 marriage
  • Even his defence barrister called him a bully
  • But lets him leave court with suspended sentence after hearing about Ahmed’s serious medical condition

Helen Lawson

05:04 EST, 24 July 2012


06:30 EST, 24 July 2012

A man whose wife suffered a pregnancy scare the day after he viciously beat her in a row over money refused to take her to hospital until she had made him lunch.

Riasaf Ahmed, 25, who would attack Ruqayyah Ghani on the orders of his ‘controlling’ mother, frequently left his wife covered in bruises and in fear of her life.

And on Christmas Day 2010, Ahmed, from Middlesbrough, launched an horrific hour-long attack on his pregnant wife, punching her in the face and grabbing her wrists to get her to hand over money as a crisis loan.

The following day he even refused to take Miss Ghani to hospital for treatment for stomach pains unless she made him a meal.

She was then led to fear for her life when he told her: ‘If I’ve got to go to jail, I might as well do things properly.’

But he has avoided jail, in a decision that has angered domestic abuse charities.

court was told how Miss Ghani was effectively kept prisoner in the family
home in Middlesbrough for four years.

She was not allowed a house key and Ahmed and his family took all of her money away from her.

A lock on the telephone meant she could not contact her family in West Yorkshire.

Miss Ghani’s family had taken her
back to West Yorkshire in August 2010 after finding her bruised when
they became seriously concerned by their daughter’s silence.

She had returned to her husband after discovering she was pregnant to try to make the marriage work, but nothing changed.

James Cook University Hospital

The court heard how pregnant Miss Ghani experienced stomach pains after the attack, but Ahmed would not take her from their Middlesbrough home to seek hospital treatment nearby. (Pictured: James Cook University Hospital, part of South Tees NHS Foundation Trust)

His own defence barrister branded the former call centre worker a bully as a Teesside Crown Court judge handed out a suspended sentence for common assault and an assault causing actual bodily harm.

Judge Tony Briggs said Ahmed’s campaign of brutality and humiliation was disgraceful, but gave Ahmed the suspended jail term after hearing he has a serious medical condition.

Jonathan Walker, mitigating, said Ahmed had struggled after losing his job and was suffering from ulcerative colitis.

He said: ‘He is not a teenager, but he is a fairly vulnerable, fairly immature young man who seeks to blame others for his failings.’

Domestic violence campaigners said that Ahmed’s sentence did not reflect the nature of the ‘horrific’ assault.

Sandra Horley, chief executive of domestic violence charity Refuge, said: ‘It takes a huge amount of courage to testify against a violent partner or ex-partner.

‘It is crucial that victims feel protected by having the full weight of the law behind them.

‘It is very disappointing that the severity of this horrific assault does not seem to have been reflected in the sentence.’

Here’s what other readers have said. Why not add your thoughts,
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This is so wrong, we should make judges terms as 5 years max’. Then make them stand for a public election with acceptance or rejection based on their records in office. I would bet a years pay that we would suddenly see justice being done, and sentences that fit the crimes.

“serious medical condition”??? Yeah being a selfish bully. Grow up and take some responsibility for your actions. Poor woman. Though she was stupid to go back to him just because he was pregnant. I am raising my child without her dad because he was a narcissistic, psychological bully. I can do better for her than he ever could. This woman should see a domestic abuse support worker or specialist who can help her to realise she is better off him. I notice however there is no mention what this woman is doing now? I hope she is somewhere safe.


Why oh Why can’t it be a Judge who walks amongst the commoners and who understands the Trials of Real Life who hands Sentences out to the likes of this Scum !!!.
To let him Walk is to Not understand how the other half have to Suffer !.

violence against women is not ok. judges need to issue sentences that support the victim not the criminal.

A mummy’s boy. How pathetic!

Thug, bully, scum-bag. Still had “plenty left in him”, then, to BEAT-UP HIS PREGNANT WIFE despite his bowel condition. And he actually “blames others for his failings” – despicable …

Poor wife.
The distressing thing is: her own mother-in-law ordered the beatings.
A woman (who should know better) wanting violence committed against another, vulnerable, woman. Sick!

He sounds like a right charmer.

A suspended sentence!!! What a judicial system.

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