If Romney, Cain Or Perry Gets The Republican Nomination It Is Going To Be An Absolute Disaster

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The American Dream
Friday, November 11, 2011

Over the past couple of months, the mainstream media has been telling us that Mitt Romney, Herman Cain and Rick Perry are the “top tier” candidates and that none of the other Republicans that are running really have a legitimate shot at winning the nomination.  Well, if either Romney, Cain or Perry wins the nomination it is going to be an absolute disaster for America.  The United States cannot afford another four years of Barack Obama.  But we cannot afford four years of Romney, Cain or Perry either.  All three of them have deep ties to the establishment, all three of them are clueless about how to fix what is wrong with this country and all three of them would continue most of the failed policies of the Bush/Obama era.  The United States is running out of time, and if we are going to turn things around we need to make fundamental changes right now.  But if either Romney, Cain or Perry wins the nomination we will almost certainly be guaranteed four more years of rapid decline.

One of the great myths of this election season is that Romney, Cain and Perry are conservatives.  Even though all three of them are trying to claim that label, the truth is far from that.  At best, Herman Cain and Rick Perry are political moderates with deep, deep ties to the establishment.  Mitt Romney is so liberal that someone needs to tell him that he is in the wrong political party.

But in the final analysis it really doesn’t matter whether they call themselves “Democrats” or “Republicans”, because increasingly our two major political parties are becoming just two sides of the same coin.  The Democrats and the Republicans are both funded by the elite, they are both controlled by the elite and they both serve the purposes of the elite.

That is why it is absolutely imperative that we send someone to the White House that is not already bought and paid for.  If we elect another “establishment candidate” in 2012, we will get the same results that we have been getting for the past 50 years.

Fortunately, it looks like Rick Perry is melting down faster than the wicked witch in the Wizard of Oz did.  The 53 seconds of video posted below are destined to become the most famous 53 seconds in Republican debate history….

Not that Herman Cain would be any better than Rick Perry.  Even if you totally disregard the charges of sexual misconduct, there is no way that Herman Cain should ever get any votes from any Republican voter.

The “999 plan” has become very well known, but it turns out that Herman Cain can’t speak intelligently about much of anything else.

During the Republican debate on CNBC the other night, the moderators desperately tried to get Herman Cain to talk about something other than the “999 plan”.  But Cain included the “999 plan” in virtually every single answer that he gave, and he seemed unable to answer questions about much of anything else.  As you can see from the video highlights below, it got to the point of absurdity….

The sad thing is that most Americans don’t even realize yet that the “999 plan” would significantly raise taxes on the vast majority of middle class Americans.

For instance, consider the following example from an analysis of the “999 plan” that was recently discussed in the Des Moines Register….

“The bottom line: A family with an income level of $40,000 to $50,000 would pay $3,407 more a year in taxes”

But perhaps the worst Republican candidate of all is Mitt Romney.  If you closely examine the positions that Romney has taken, it quickly becomes apparent that a Romney administration would be very, very similar to the Obama administration.  In fact, most Americans would probably notice next to no difference between the two presidencies.

The financial powers on Wall Street love this guy.  They are absolutely pouring cash into his campaign.  He has received more Wall Street cash than all of the other Republican candidates combined by a very wide margin.

The thing with Romney is that he is a consummate politician.  His handlers have studied the public opinion polls and they have carefully crafted political positions which are designed to give him the best chance of winning the Republican nomination and of winning the general election.

In fact, these positions are constantly being “tweaked”.  If Romney sounds a little bit different now than he did a couple of months ago it is not by accident.

Many believe that this is a guy that will do or say just about anything to get elected.

Mitt Romney’s wife, Ann Romney, once made the following statement about her husband….

“He can argue any side of a question. And sometimes you think he’s really believing his argument, but he’s not.”

So how do we know if he is telling the truth now?

Romney’s flip-flopping has become absolutely legendary.  Just consider the examples in the following video….

This next video contains even more examples of flip-flopping by Romney….

One of the most important things to evaluate these candidates on is what they plan to do about the Federal Reserve.

As I have written about so many times, the Federal Reserve is at the very core of our economic and financial problems.

But these candidates don’t even consider the Fed to be an issue.

Mitt Romney says that he is “not going to take my effort and focus on the Federal Reserve“.

After all, he is the golden boy of Wall Street and there is no way that he is going to do anything to upset the apple cart.

Herman Cain was once the chairman of the Kansas City Federal Reserve Board, and he thinks that the Federal Reserve is just wonderful.

The following is what Herman Cain once had to say about the need for an audit of the Federal Reserve….

Some people say that we ought to audit the Fed. Here’s what I do know. The Federal Reserve already has so many internal audits it’s ridiculous. I don’t know why people think we’re gonna learn this great amount of information by auditing the Federal Reserve.

I think a lot of people are calling for this audit of the Federal Reserve because they don’t know enough about it. There’s no hidden secrets going on in the Federal Reserve to my knowledge.

If you are a Republican, you should take all three of these “top tier” candidates and just scratch them right off your list.

All three of them would be a complete disaster for the country.  In fact, if Romney is elected president it would essentially be the same thing as sending Barack Obama back to the White House for another term.

The American people deserve better than another “false choice” in 2012.

But if the Republicans nominate either Romney, Cain or Perry that is exactly what we are going to be faced with.

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23 Responses to “If Romney, Cain Or Perry Gets The Republican Nomination It Is Going To Be An Absolute Disaster”

  1. So the ultimate salvation you say would be Ron Paul as a republican GOP?Maybe,but as far as I could remember those GOP tough guys were all in the favour of wars
    How could a peacefully guy be nominated as leader of the tough guys?Its like choosing a sheep to be the leader of the wolves

    Startover Reply:
    November 11th, 2011 at 10:15 am

    War and Peace have little to do with it…
    It’s is all about Racial Anhiliation

    Google news says Cain is in the lead (WTF????)

    Well, America may never have another White President again!
    Herman Cain has been picked by the elite to make America into a black hole like Detroit
    The US has been bombed with minorities since 1965
    Even most Sci Fi movies now show America with a black president in the future (mind control)

    Try to understand:
    Multi culturalism is a WEAPON
    Racial conflicts only exist in a MULTI Culture
    There are no racial conflicts in a MONO Culture

    If you want your country back – YOU HAVE TO OWN IT COMPLETELY

  2. Well…we all know how easy the sheeple get duped…so any of those clowns would

    gaurantee 4 more years of satan’s little helper Barry Barack Hussein Soetoro Obama

  3. I predict that the 2012 election will be stolen.
    TPTB will NOT allow Ron Paul to be president and will lie, cheat, and steal to make sure.
    (Not much of a prediction really, since so many are now aware of how frequently elections are stolen, and how it’s done).

    mpennery Reply:
    November 11th, 2011 at 9:58 am

    Whooooa, you’re really going out on a limb with that prediction!! 😉

    Let’s see….2000? Caged. Hacked. 2004? Caged. Hacked. 2008? Trojan horse presidential false flag. Total set up. 2012? Oh yeah, you can bet on a little of everything.

    About the article above…why not just come out and say it man?! Ron Paul or nothin! If he doesn’t get the Repub. nom he should run independent.


    Lexington, ky

  4. You get the government you deserve. Stop whining and just accept it.
    You’re doomed.

  5. If Ron Paul wins or comes close to winning and gets threatened out of the race, I am going to get everyone I know to make sure he stays in that election and will drag his 70 year old ass and even write his name on the ballot. I WANT NONE OF THAT ROSS PEROT/THREATEN AND KIDNAP MY FAMILY SHIT, either! And if they still come up with an excuse that he can’t be on the ballot, I am going to officially call him the president and no one else. The way I see it, is that they will have a nice little civil war on their hands where the people will recognize Paul as president and the corporations will recognize Romney as president. Kinda like Abe Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. History repeats itself. Only this time, the rich Wall Street Northerners WANT slavery for its people whereas the Texas Southern Congressman WANTS an end to slavery.

    dncholas Reply:
    November 11th, 2011 at 6:35 am

    Yes a civil war but in reverse in north/south agendas.

  6. we cant afford none of the useless lying over paid greedy bastards

  7. If Obama or one of these three hold the White House we are in deep trouble. We already are in deep trouble but as you can see how bad things can get with Obama in three years, we don’t need another 5 years of tyrannical government destroying what is left.

    If Ron Paul does not get nominated I will demand an investigation on the GOP and their elite, in the shadows, dictator leaders hiding in the background. Grill everyone. If Paul is the candidate and loses against Obama then I will demand an investigation into every action taken at the polls, voter fraud, etc. If the left tries smear tactics then I will demand that Obama’s organizers be grilled endlessly by the public and alternative media sources, since MSM will not and most likely support anything that’s socialist leaning.

    TPTB want their Obama to stay in office another 5 years so they can rape and pillage what is left to take in the US but they would rather have a Romney, Cain or Perry who are insiders for the banks to run over Paul because Paul is a threat to their tyranny.

  8. Look at it this way: it will be the way it will be. If four more years of Obummer, then the prospect of civil unrest and even war becomes all-too-real. There’s an old saying, “it takes what it takes”: the nation is addicted to debt, and lying politicians who tell the people what they want to hear.

    A rude awakening is unavoidable. That will come, in the form of loss of reserve-currency status, or a sudden collapse in the stock market. OR some other sudden vapor lock in a system that is failing. Our political class is presently failing, because only one of them – Ron Paul – has the courage to identify the fundamentals involved. So he gets ignored and marginalized.

    The price of this treasonous behavior will be paid later. Ron Paul offends too many special interests, so his chances are slim. I support the man, and always have, but I think he understands what he’s up against. Maybe his son stands a chance in the future, if the country is to have a future. Right now, it is very much in doubt. Storm clouds are gathering, and most of the body politic is still clueless.

  9. Larry mo and curly

  10. NO matter who is elected, it will be a desaster anyway.
    Even if Ron Paul does make it, do you all think nothing will happen? The cuts that are necessary to make are going to affect many, and for many it will be a desaster. But keep wasting our money on useless wars that benifit those who invest in wars is all what we get out of this criminal scam.
    They get the money, we get killed,or injured and get poorer with every war. They feed us the energies of war and we jump in the traps of ” Patriotism”” defined and designed to fit there war matrix. It isn’t that the soldiers are evil people, it is just a fact that they serve the purpose of the evil handlers and until the servants within the military take responsability to the oath they took, I mean those who take orders blindly even if the order serves evil purpose those are the one’s who need to wake up in that military org. And we citizens also need to see what we do to serve that evil matrix?? Our income tax money is being used for evil purposes and what have we done about it?
    Oh we though by electing that left or right paradym would end it? but they both are the same, controlled by the handlers.

    THis is why Ron Paul is not best serve running for one side of that paradym. He could be seen as no more than the rest of the pack? drowning in the system of delusions?

    Right now the only aspect of Dr Ron Paul that is not true to the people is the party he runs for?
    He would be fine as an independant for it would better expose his positions without the party line intimidations he must now face? Drowned out by the party itself?

    Trying to clean up the act of the dual left right paradym Dr Paul is a big big mountain to climb.It is too corrupt and impossible to turn things around? The downfall is enevitable?

    The old matrix must die in order for the new one to grow? HOw do the trees in nature work?The old leaves fall off before the new ones grow!

    Ron Paul is the messenger, the people are the power of change that will propulse Dr Ron Pauls message to reality.

  11. If Romney, Cain Or Perry Gets The Republican Nomination It Is Going To Be An Absolute Disaster

    ===================== THAT GOES WITHOUT SAYING ====================

    ####################### RON PAUL 2012 ###########################



    SCOTT RASMUSSEN – ” Right now Romney is the most consistent candidate and the only Republican running neck to neck with Obama

    ROMNEY – vs – OBAMA

    The future is so dark I couldn’t wear shades

    November 11th, 2011 at 8:37 am

    Romney, the Bilderberg Choice will get the nomination. HAMMITY HIGH SCHOOL just hasn’t been given his script yet.

    You can expect the new and more hideous version of Obamcare under Romney. Obamacare is more about $$$ theft and murder than anything else. Most dumb f–kng liberal wacko doctors trusted the AMA for their Obamacare analysis. What a bunch of suckers.

  13. If Ron Paul doesn’t go third paty in that case I would support Jesse Ventura as a third party candidate. Otherwise I’m not even voting.

  14. Ron Paul Doesn’t stand a chance!! He very well would be the best candidate to fill the position, it won’t happen period. Don’t waste your time or money be-labouring it.. Wake up and realize that this once free country has had it’s fate sealed for sometime.

    Marc82 Reply:
    November 11th, 2011 at 9:57 am

    You may be willing to give up and surrender to the NWO but the rest of us won’t.

  15. Que sera, sera. Whatever will be, will be.

  16. Why oh WHY does this site continue to support the Bush Senior agenda?? Search: “Bush Nazi Family Connections”! Ron Paul is just the latest “RP”!! Remember Ross Perot??? Same initials ~ same state!!!They have already decided who will be “in” even if it is Rick Perry who looks A LOT like a Bush!!
    THE GOOD NEWS!!! Yahshua the Son of Yahweh RETURNS SOON and no New World Order under a Bush Senior White House under The British Monarchy under The Vatican and its CROSS can stop Him! HalleluYah! This ancient Hebrew (YES, JEWISH!) word means
    “Praise ye Yah!” Pray to believe and be sealed today! Revelation 14:1

  17. my neighbor’s mother-in-law makes $68 hourly on the internet. She has been laid off for 8 months but last month her income was $7224 just working on the internet for a few hours. Go to this site NuttyRich.com

  18. This is what happens when all you have is shit to vote for, and it’s been coming for years. The one party of war and corporations is about to implode.

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