IMF snubs UANI calls to suspend Iran

The United Against Nuclear Iran, which has been pressuring companies to halt business with Tehran in line with US sanctions against the country, sent a letter to the IMF on April 26 and urged the organization to suspend the Islamic Republic’s membership.

Mark Wallace, president of United Against Nuclear Iran and a former US ambassador to the UN claimed in his letter that the IMF holds more than USD 1 billion in cash and securities at Iran’s Central Bank, urging the organization to close any accounts and return any US money that might be involved and “comply with relevant US and EU law.”

Rejecting Wallace’s claims, the IMF officials said Iran’s quota is the equivalent of USD 2.25 billion in Iranian currency, the rial, Bloomberg reported.

IMF’s chief spokesman William Murray also said the fund is not violating any laws and is following its normal rules towards member nations.

“The IMF’s holdings of each member’s currency are maintained with the central bank of the relevant member, including Iran. There is nothing in the EU or US sanctions regimes that is inconsistent with these arrangements,” said Murray.

United Against Nuclear Iran, founded by Dennis Ross, US President Barack Obama’s former chief adviser on Iran, and Gary Samore, a White House official, includes former CIA Director James Woolsey and former Israeli intelligence chief Meir Dagan.


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