Indian PM invited to Pakistan

“It gives me great pleasure to extend Your Excellency a cordial invitation to visit Pakistan,” Zardari wrote in a letter of invitation submitted to Singh on Friday, the Associated Press of Pakistan (APP) reported.

“Our invitation for you to visit Pakistan is outstanding. Your visit will provide us an opportunity to take stock of our bilateral relations,” Zardari added.

“We could use that occasion to arrange a visit to your ancestral hometown. If the visit were to coincide with the birthday celebrations of Baba Guru Nanak Sahib [marked on Nov 28 this year], that would not only be well received by the Pakistani nation but also reinforce our mutual desire to promote inter-faith and inter-religious harmony,” the Pakistani president said in his letter.

Zardari paid a private visit to India in April 2012, the first by a Pakistani head of state in seven years.

The Pakistani leader recalled his April trip, saying, “We are happy to see that the dialogue process between our two countries is moving forward. Recently, several important engagements between our two sides have taken place.”

“We are confident that the intensity and the range of these engagements will help promote our ties in the right direction and will also help in realizing our shared dream of a peaceful and prosperous South Asia,” he added.


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