Infomercial Will Answer All Your Juggalo Questions

Mark your calendar, the annual Gathering of the Juggalos is coming up! Spend five days “escaping the masses” with your fellow Juggalos and all your favorite acts.

In a 23-minute “we-can’t-believe-it’s-real” infomercial, you can learn all about the 2012 event. Zombies are strictly prohibited and will be dealt with as they see fit. Everyone from Insane Clown Posse to P-Funk to comedic genius Ralphie May will be there for your entertainment.

Is your mind sufficiently blown? Check out the juxtaposition of love for expressing who you are, while also collectively hating everyone without a super dope name. Take your stress out in the mosh pit, or if you’d rather, wait to heckle your favorite comedians and egg on all the lovely ladies who make it into the wrestling ring.

If you had any questions about what a Juggalo was, this infomercial will answer all of them.

Whatever you do, be you. Break out your camo and express yourself. Let your inner-Juggalo out.

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