Infowars at Forefront of Holding Roswell, GA Accountable For Chicken Man’s Death

Maggie West Bean
Fulton County Buzz Examiner
April 26, 2012

Faced with numerous calls, e-mails, and threats regarding the death of Andrew Wordes — The Roswell Chicken Man — Roswell City Hall added new security cameras and a metal detector.

In Wednesday night’s news broadcast, Mike Petchenik from WSB-TV Atlanta informed viewers that visitors to city hall can no longer go through the main entrance. They must enter through a door on the lower level and through a metal detector while security cameras watch their every move.

Though, city officials told Petchenik that “they’ve been looking to do this for a while, recent threats to the city caused them to move things up.” In his report, Petchenik stated that conspiracy theorist websites, such as, were posting videos on YouTube claiming the City of Roswell drove Wordes to suicide.

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If you’re not familiar with the Andrew Wordes case, read this posting by Ethan A. Huff of Natural News, which we mirrored on

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