Insider: Bilderberg Members Share Ron Paul Death Wish

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Heated conversation about Congressman dying in plane crash takes place in hotel lobby

Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, June 1, 2012

During a heated conversation in the lobby of the Westfields Marriott hotel yesterday, Bilderberg members expressed their desire to see Ron Paul die in a plane crash, according to veteran journalist Jim Tucker’s inside source.

The close up shot was necessary to eliminate background noise. A full interview with Jim Tucker ( will be posted later.

The shocking exchange took place just after Bilderberg attendees started arriving yesterday morning as they were driven through crowds of hundreds of Paul-supporting demonstrators.

Wasting no time to shoot their mouths off, one Bilderberg member expressed his desire to, “Get Ron Paul and all of his supporters on an airplane with a Muslim suicide pilot and take ‘em down,” according to Tucker’s source, which has been proven routinely accurate with Bilderberg information in the past.

“That was the harshest comment made but there were a lot of mean-spirited comments made as the Bilderberg boys gathered in the lobby of the hotel,” added Tucker.

Tucker explained that the Bilderbergers are becoming increasingly irate at the resistance amongst patriotic Americans to their program, with protest figures rising at each annual confab.

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“The program planned by Bilderberg has been set back for years and every year it gets worse and every year they get more depressed and every year they get more outraged – we’re winning, they’re losing,” said Tucker.

Bilderberg is furious that Paul is working to stop the full ratification of the Law of the Sea Treaty, which as we documented yesterday is being discussed at this year’s conference. The treaty would hand the United Nations control over all U.S. oceans and force ships to pay a tariff directly to the global body.

This is not the first time Bilderberg members have expressed their desire to see the Texan Congressman and staunch constitutionalist meet his maker.

Back in December 2007, best-selling author and Bilderberg sleuth Daniel Estulin told the Alex Jones Show that the U.S. intelligence establishment was considering assassinating Paul as a means of derailing the Ron Paul Revolution, which later gave rise to the Tea Party and spawned a generation of anti-big government grass roots activists.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

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17 Responses to “Insider: Bilderberg Members Share Ron Paul Death Wish”

    Articles of Restoration of Our Constitutional Republic


    1) We do not recognize the invocation of laws precipitated upon political hijinks what purpose is in part or whole to defraud the public’s confidence and to use such confabulated jurisprudence as a rationale to sequester it’s government and make changes that would otherwise not be tolerated by a free society. In this regard, we are calling for the immediate impeachment of Barack Obama and his entire administrative staff in preservation of the constitution and Bill of Rights and in order to secure the peace of an otherwise peaceful government.

    2) We understand Bilderberg to be a nefarious AD HOC ORGANIZATION structured around legislative sedition and transformation of the US to a charter government of the UK in process what co-occurring legislation is directed at setting an international legal precedence for occult rendition to resource necromancy, child sacrifice, the child sacrifice debauchery ritual, and human ritual sacrifice in general, to what end these macabre objectives have been cultivated via US domestic policies FEMA, The PATRIOT Act and S.1867.1021. We are aware that entities within this group are also members of the US legislature and are therefore held accountable to US laws non-inclusive of ritual sacrifice of young women and children which is a hanging offense in many countries around the world.

    3) We are demanding the immediate release of Brittanee Drexel, Holly Bobo and Lauren Spierer, individuals whom you have taken custody of for the purpose of making use of these individuals in ritual human sacrifice, Sunday’s event culminating what in fact you have engineered to establish this procedure as a process of law.

    4) We demand the individuals that discussed Ron Paul’s assassination be indicted for terrorism, that where these individuals are members of the US legislature likewise prosecuted for treason, that all Bilderberg members subject to this meeting be investigated for involvement in sedition, and Bilderberg be prevented from organizing in the US in perpetuity.

    libertyorslavery Reply:
    June 1st, 2012 at 8:10 am

    Well written Coastx…

    Number 4… yes the Bilderberg Group IS sedition and a functioning government Of The People… would arrest them and yes… I suspect that the guy in the hall was actually expressing a kind of… one-ups manship … knowing the methods… trying to be one of the guys… you know?

    Don’t be too hard on him… . He is probably new… wanting to show he is down… with the gang.

  2. Another reason to put Ron Paul in office, the Bilderbergs don’t like him!

  3. The Bilderbergers should do an internet search of Mussolinis last photo

  4. Why does Bildergerg allow Jim into the building and hear their conversations? Is he a telepath, a Warlock, a Shape-Shifter? I’d hate to think that he’s a disinformation broadcaster. We can take it for granted that the NWO want Ron Paul dead, but if he is killed and no one takes action, the whole world is corrupt ,spineless and imputant. His murder will be a crossroads to all.

    TheRealJoker Reply:
    June 1st, 2012 at 8:17 am

    Action would be taken at grave and at great risk to themselves. The first thing that would happen is the mass media would have to explain why a congressman had more in attendance at his funeral than any president ever. Then when a short time of mourning had passed the highly accurate kinetic actions would start taking place. The payback for Dr. Paul’s death in a single car accident in the middle of no where or a suicide impossibly committed or any other questionable death would be tantamount to civil war. And that’s why he is still alive. They fear the real dedication he has instilled in patriots across the country. All you have to do is observe how his campaign has been run with the efficiency of a precise swiss watch and the dedication expressed there and you quickly realize the problems with doing any harm to Dr. Paul. THEY FEAR HIM!

  5. THe Police army whoever is honest in law enforcement…..
    They should go in there now and “arrest ALL of them!!!

  6. Shows the importance of the Law of the Sea Treaty… that is… the take complete bureaucratic control of 3/4s of the Earth treaty… by the banks et al. .

    Have no doubt… the U.S. Senate would give it to them tomorrow if they could… being a ceremonial rubber stamp den of cowards… As there TERRIFIED… greeting of “BiBi” in that joint session of the House and Senate showed with… 27… standing ovations… and a video, finely measured… competition… timed impartially by the ADL… as to which Representative/Senator could jump up fast enough in obsequious obeisance. Not sure who won… there were hundreds very close at the finish… .

    captain obvious Reply:
    June 1st, 2012 at 8:17 am

    means the evaporation and rain clouds, the rain, all rivers and lakes,
    AND.. arent OUR BODIES about 85% water too?

    oh hell yes theyed charge us RENT AND TAXES for “their” water!

    with all the chemtrailing to make it “their” air, they want carbon taxes,
    from us, for the privelage of allowing them to poison us and everything..

    their “vague description BS” always ensures selective enforcements too.

  7. and what do you think they think about us

    truthnow Reply:
    June 1st, 2012 at 8:13 am

    same same

  8. Why go to all the expense of getting them all on a plane with a muslim suicide pilot, use a drone! PUNK ASS COWARDS!

  9. if that proves true, at least an investigation is a must. seriously. the place needs to be raided. I do know from my own experience that talks like this in this kind of level are quite common. sometimes with no real meaning to it, except the wishful thinking and planting of bad seeds. They think, maybe someone will pick-up on that idea.

    Anyway, it’s a hate-speech at least and needs to be investigated now. don’t wait.

  10. why spend all of this money covering these criminals?? just buy lindsay williams’ bombshell dvds….he’ll throw in some elite insider secrets if we are one of the next 100 callers.

  11. you know alex. you are as bad as them. everytime i put a comment it is censor, because the word socialist in writen on it. socialist doesnt equal fascist idiot, its a kind of economy not politics. for a guy who prone the 1st ammendment your not to good at it. you guys are pussies who talk shit behind screens but doesnt act. you leave racesimes comments on it, but a when somebody talk positive about the left, lets censored it. suck my balls you suck and you guys will soon become the USC… united states of china. lol at lease in quebec we fight for our right, we have guts. you guys lost that guts a long time ago.

  12. There is plenty of reason to arrest them now.If only a quarter of the things they are true, then they should be in prison. International meddlers.

  13. for as many political figures having been killed in plane crashes,
    these mofo’s wishing it IS a credible threat aka terrorism!

    of course, from the outside, its all just “hearsay”, and wouldnt be persued.

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