Iran and Syria ‘lay ambitious plans for road, rail, air and electricity links’

They agreed to “speed up” a plan to improve “road transport
through Iraq and the potential opening of aviation transport through Iraq’s
airspace following the American troop withdrawal”. The departure of US
forces from Iraq was completed 10 days later on 18 December.

As well as a road and air link, the officials also aimed to join Syria and
Iran with a railway line running across northern Iraq. The gathering heard
that “an invitation was made to the Iraqi transport minister to attend
the meeting scheduled on the coming Tuesday in Damascus with the presence of
the Iranian minister. This is to discuss the issue of transport links
(aviation, railway and cross-border highway).”

The document adds that “in relation to the railway” there was a “distance”
across northern Iraq where the line would need to be built. “Iranian
companies are willing to maintain and rebuild this distance by the end of
2012,” it said.

The aim was to “establish a safe corridor to transport commodities from
Iran to Syria and vice versa via Iraq”.

The proposed meeting would have happened on 13 Dec 2011, but Hadi al-Amiri,
the Iraqi transport minister, could not have attended because he was on an
official visit to America on that day along with Nouri al-Maliki, his prime

However, the Iranian official media reported that Mr Amiri travelled to Tehran
on 26 January this year and signed a “memorandum of understanding”
with his Iranian counterpart, Ali Nikzad.

Mr Amiri, a Shia, lived in exile in Iran during Saddam Hussein’s rule. He
became a senior commander of the Badr Brigade, a unit of Iraqi exiles
founded by Iran’s regime and trained by the Revolutionary Guard Corps to
launch attacks inside Saddam’s Iraq.

Mr Amiri returned to Iraq after Saddam’s fall in 2003 and established himself
as one of the country’s most reliable pro-Iranian politicians. “Amiri
has a very long history of very close relations with the Iranian regime and
the Revolutionary Guard,” said Toby Dodge, an Iraq specialist at the
London School of Economics. “It would be hard to find another Iraqi
politician with deeper and more sustained links with Tehran.”

This might help to explain why the participants in the meeting do not appear
to have considered the possibility of Iraq declining to cooperate.

A second document purports to record a further meeting that took place on
December 13 – 14 in Damascus. This was described as the “9th meeting of
the follow-up committee for economic cooperation” and the event was
reported by Syria’s official news agency, which also provided a photograph
of the participants.

The meeting was co-chaired by Mr Sha’ar, the Syrian economics minister, and Mr
Nikzad, the Iranian transport and housing minister. This gathering added
another layer to the plan to link up the two allies. “The Syrian side
expressed its interest in following up the project of electrical energy
connection of the two countries via Iraq”. The aim was to include Iraq
in a “trio meeting” and achieve “progress on this matter
sooner rather than later”.

Syria’s economy has come under immense pressure from international sanctions
and isolation. Western diplomats believe this to be the most important force
undermining Mr Assad’s regime. Any help from Iran could be a crucial means
of avoiding economic collapse. But the plans outlined in the documents would
only come to fruition in the long term. Any benefits could come too late to
save Mr Assad.

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