‘Iran Army, IRGC to hold joint drill’

The military maneuvers, in which state-of-the-art equipment will be employed, are slated to be held either in the southeastern or southwestern regions of the country, said Brigadier General Ahmad Reza Pourdastan in a Tuesday interview with Mehr news agency.

The Iranian commander pointed to the close collaborations between Iran’s Army and the IRGC as a major reason behind the achievements of the country during the imposed Iran-Iraq war (1980-1988), and expressed the armed forces’ resolve to continue such cooperation.

In February, the IRGC conducted a military exercise code-named Val Fajr in Iran’s Markazi Desert days after the Army’s air force wrapped up a four-day maneuver code-named Tharallah near the strategic Persian Gulf region.

In another drill code-named Hamiyan-e Velayat also in February, IRGC forces practiced tactical commando raid and aerial combat, launched air offensive and defensive operations and carried out heliborne as well as anti-heliborne operations.

In January, IRGC’s Ground Forces held the Shohaday-e Vahdat military drill in the eastern province of Khorasan Razavi.

Iran maintains that its military might is based on a doctrine of defense.


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