Iran MP raps intl. silence on Myanmar

“Violent measures are always condemned anywhere in the world but the reaction of human rights bodies and their silence on the massacre of Muslims is unfortunate,” Ahmad Showhani, member of Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Committee, said on Saturday.

He criticized the double standards adopted by international bodies on human rights issues pertaining to Muslims and said such organizations would behave differently if a lesser crime is committed in a non-Muslim community.

“The human rights organizations adopt stances based on the interests and objectives of Western and hegemonic powers. Therefore, the silence of these organizations on the violent massacre of Muslims [in Myanmar] is understandable,” the lawmaker added.

According to recent reports, Muslims in Myanmar are in a tragic human plight. Reports say 650 of the nearly one million Rohingya Muslims have been killed as of June 28 during clashes in the western region of Rakhine. This is while 1,200 others are missing and 90,000 more have been displaced.

The UN has described Rohingya Muslim community as the Palestine of Asia and one of the most persecuted minorities in the world.

They are deprived of basic rights including education and employment and are subject to forced labor, extortion and other coercive measures.

The government of Myanmar refuses to recognize Rohingyas, who it claims are not natives and classifies them as illegal migrants, although they have lived in the country for generations.


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