‘Iran, Russia can ease global transition’

In a meeting with the visiting Assistant Secretary of the Russian National Security Council Yevgeny Lukyanov in Tehran on Tuesday, Saeed Jalili discussed the common opportunities and threats facing Iran and Russia in the international arena.

“Iran and Russia can promote grounds for bilateral and international collaboration through study, innovation and joint analysis,” Jalili said.

He also accepted an invitation from Secretary of the Russian National Security Council Nikolai Patrushev for participating in the Saint Petersburg security meeting, calling it a good opportunity for cooperation in global security issues.

The Russian official, for his part, criticized the West’s unilateral approaches and emphasized his country’s positive approach to Iran’s progresses in various fields of science and technology.

Earlier on Tuesday, Yevgeny Lukyanov met with his Iranian counterpart and Jalili’s assistant, Ali Baqeri, who told Lukyanov that strategic partnership between Iran and Russia will guarantee regional stability and provide for a win-win situation that would benefit all regional nations.

Prior to his meetings with Iran’s Supreme National Security Council officials, Lukyanov had met on Monday, March 12, with Iran’s Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi.

During the meeting, Salehi denounced the double standards of certain Western countries in rallying to interfere in Syria’s internal affairs while maintaining silence towards the persisting Israeli crimes against the Palestinians in Gaza.

The Russian official, for his part, criticized the “hasty and dual” attitude of Western states towards regional developments, noting that such policies have triggered an economic crisis in different countries.


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