Iran threatens to expel Afghan refugees if Kabul ratifies US strategic partnership

Their fate is often used by Tehran as a bargaining chip during disputes with
the Afghan government.

Tensions between the neighbours were already running high over the strategic
partnership with reports Afghan diplomats in Tehran had been intimidated by
Iranian security forces since the signing.

Ramin Mehmanparast, Iranian foreign ministry spokesman, denounced the
agreement at the weekend and said it would only “intensify insecurity
and instability in Afghanistan”.

Senator Hafez Abdol Qayum said: “Iran is shamelessly interfering in our
internal affairs and even trains armed militants. As you know, Iranian
ammunition and weapons have been seized many times in Afghanistan. Also, its
spies have been detained.” Afghan politicians hope the agreement will
prevent meddling and intimidation from Iran and Pakistan by showing that
America will not abandon the Afghan government after 2014 and will help
Kabul resist interference, by military means if necessary.

A statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the Iranian first
counsellor had been summoned and told Afghanistan could sign agreements with
whoever it chose.

“Afghanistan has emphasised many times that it will not allow any country
to use Afghan territory against neighbouring countries,” it said.

The Iranian embassy in Kabul was unavailable for comment.

Iran fears the agreement will lead to permanent American military bases which
will be used to launch attacks or surveillance.

Its fears were illustrated late last year when an advanced American spy drone
was launched from a base in Afghanistan and then crashed more than 100 miles
inside Iranian territory.

Ryan Crocker, American ambassador, has refused to rule out using Afghanistan
as a base for continued drone strikes against terrorist targets in Pakistan
after 2014, saying the US had a right to defend itself.

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