‘Iran to build medical center in Pakistan’

Alireza Aqazadeh, representative of Iran’s Red Crescent Society in Islamabad, made the proposition in a Monday meeting with Saqib Zafar, the crisis management official for the city of Rawalpindi in the province of Punjab.

According to the offer, Iran will pay for the project to build an advanced center for childbirth, called Khanevade (Family), in the current building of the Red Crescent Organization in the city of Rawalpindi.

Aqazadeh said all of the details about the offer had been finalized and Iran’s Red Crescent committee had signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Pakistani side.

Saqib Zafar welcomed the offer and said the Pakistani officials would finalize the issue by next week.

Iran’s Red Crescent Society has over two million volunteers and 8,000 staff and is part of the National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

Iran’s Red Crescent Society is currently providing medical and health services in 22 treatment centers in 19 countries.

The Iranian Red Crescent Society has dispatched numerous humanitarian aid and medical assistance to various disaster-stricken and crisis-hit countries such as Pakistan, Somalia, Turkey, Japan and many others so far.


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